Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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9/25/2011 10:57:51 AM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

Hi Joe,

It's any wildcard mappings, but considering MS first ID'd the problem 2 to 3 years ago, and just put out the hotfix this year, they must of thought that it was not much of a priority because there were not that many users effected.  So there could not have been that many Coldfusion mappings around.  Even now, the hotfix is only ofered for servers experiencing the problem.   I expect the host providers solution will be to switch the App Pool to Classic mode.smiley  If that does not work, I'm switching providers.  I'll keep you posted.

Again thanks a lot to you and Asad.


9/26/2011 8:43:50 AM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

The provider changed the App Pool to Classic, and the site now works. 

A couple of possible anomalies:

1.  When I click on the little question marks (i. e. help) I am directed to a separate static web page with the help info.  Is this behavior correct or should some type of js/ajax message box pop up?

2.  The Default.aspx does not open when I browse straight to, but when I explicitly type is works fine.  I have adjusted the default page priority on the host server so defaut.aspx is first, but that does not make a difference.  It's not a big thing and I will probably figure it out when I clean up all the junk that was created in attempts to get the site up.  It's actually desirable while I'm updating the site, but I am just wondering if this is an anomaly that might be peculiar to mojoPortal.

Just wanted to close the loop on this.




9/26/2011 9:02:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

1. It should open in a colorbox dialog. If you've upgraded from previous versions you may be missing the css for colorbox which would cause the problem you describe. See the sticky thread about important skin changes, specifically the part about colorbox.

2. no, nothing about mojoportal can affect the default document configuration in IIS. However no page should have /Default.aspx configured as its url in Page Settings because that is a real physical page that handles all requests for cms pages. So your home page should be like /home.aspx but because it is the first page in the site hierarchy it should also show that page when the url is /Default.aspx. See How mojoPortal Works for more detail. 

Hope that helps,


9/26/2011 1:28:55 PM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

Hi Joe,

This was a new install of the latest version mojoportal-2-3-6-7-mssql-net40, not the upgrade.  Perhaps its a result of the Classic mode.  I've read some types of AJAX doesn't run in Classic mode.  I am using the viktopersson-hobbit_alt1 theme, but it's style.config looks fine.  I am getting a separate web page with just a white background.  So far, everything else seems to be working fine.   Thanks for the info.


9/26/2011 1:40:23 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

can you try it with other skins and see if you get the same result. I'm not aware of classic app pool having any effect on that, though I guess its possible.

9/26/2011 3:04:53 PM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

Next Issue:  I changed the machine key with one generated by Mojo page, commented our the old key, pasted in the new key, and now I am getting the 500 error and cannot access Mojo and more, I tried putting back the old web.config, Passwords were set to clear mode. It's a no go. 

My wild guess is perhaps the IIS user or application user my be locked out, but I have no way to restart the site. Any ideas?.

Never mind I got this sorted.  I copied the full trust web.config from the installation files, opened the web.config in notepad, pasted the new machine key in the exact same space of the default machine key; uploaded it and it worked.  I'll just leave that here for anyone else who might have a similar issue.

I'll tell you; I learned a lot more that I really wanted to know about Mojo over the last few days.  One thing for sure, I won't be implementing and kind of DI composing in this web.config file. smiley

9/27/2011 8:13:18 PM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

  I am not sure if this is a mojoPortal url remapping issue or a site configuration issue, but if I type I get a 500:19 server error, but if I type or the site comes up fine.  I looked at the /wwwroot/ and the 00001homepage.config looks fine. 

In the URL manager everything looks fine:

The maps to the home page
maps to View Friendly Url

In my host server I have the default documents being set in this order:



But it does not seem to make a difference.

Just for a test I created an index.html file, placed it in the mysite root, and it found and displayed that without a problem.  I could probably easily fix it by creating a physical index file and just redirect it to the the home or default.aspx file, but that might break the multi-site capabilities.   I would rather get it setup correctly.

Any ideas are appreciated.

At least this thread into a real trouble shooting installation primer :) .

9/28/2011 9:22:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

home.aspx should not be a default document at all, the only one should be default.aspx, you should remove all of the default documents except for default.aspx

9/28/2011 10:36:13 AM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

That wasn't it.  I already had the default.aspx setup as #1.   Anyway, I deleted all the other and left only the Default.aspx in the list and restarted the web site.  The behavior is the same.   It does not find the Default.aspx unless default.aspx or home.aspx is explicitly put into the url, although it has no problems finding static pages, placed in the root folder without explicitly stating them.  It's the strangest thing. 

9/28/2011 11:59:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

That is very strange, to me it is just more evidence that your host has some weird configuration going on. I think I would find a new host, you should not be having all these problems and you really should be able to use an Integrated app pool (though I don't think that has anything to do with the default document problem). 



9/29/2011 9:59:00 AM
Total Posts 36

Re: Configuration Error - Application error when trying to browse site - 500.19 - Help

We were able to resolve the url problem by:

1. commenting out the following lines in the web.config (It's already configured at the server level):

        <remove value="Default.aspx"/>
        <add value="Default.aspx"/>

2. Resetting the Application pool.

The ul is working fine now e.g.  brings up the home page. 

Is commenting out this line OK?  I just want to make sure that this will not cause any issue with the site.  The site seems to working ok except for the help opening up in a separate page as discussed previously.


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