Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

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9/19/2011 10:16:45 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

Hi guys,

I am about to complete a web site and I would like to make provisions for advertisements at the bottom of the Main page.

This is just a thought at this time, I was thinking of offering space for ads either on the side or bottom of the page.  At this time I would like to offer space to those who have supported me in the development of my product or any of its support systems (i.e. mojoPortal for all the help and providing such a good product, to the graphics designer who created the icon images for the app, to the graphics designer who designed the web site interface, and so forth).  Just a way of giving back to those who knowingly or not have contributed to getting this new product to market etc.  Similar to the bottom of your web site.



Update - I read Joe's thread about adding an AddRotator to the bottom of the Master.Page and adding an XML to drive the content.  But that was back a few years, I was hoping for something a bit newer if possible.  I have also reviewed the Add-On product you recently sent an email out about... AddManager... Not been able to Register so I am unable to review AddManager to date... 

Which do you suggest as the easiest method?

9/20/2011 11:45:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

I think the simplest thing is to just code the html for the ads into your layout.master file of your skin. That's what I do for the ads on this site in the footer. You could use an ad rotator if you want to rotate ads but if you just want a few simple static ads the easiest thing is to just put them in layout.master. Especially since it sounds like you just want to provide some free ads to support some folks. Its very difficult to make any money with ads unless you get a lot of traffic, so simpler is better in my opinion.

Hope that helps,


9/20/2011 12:04:10 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

Hi Joe A,

Thanks for the thoughts.  Since I am NOT going to be using an Add company or Rotator the adds will be static and I whole heartedly agree the KISS method prevails here.

Would it be possible to "steal" the code you are using and the format (sample) of the XML file?
Do this require a re-write every time there is an update to mojoPortal or Skin?


9/20/2011 12:21:53 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

You don't need any xml or code, the xml is only used for the ad rotator. My ads are just plain old html links with images in them hard coded into layout.master


<a href="yourlink" title="your title" class="yourclass"><img src="/yourimage.png" alt='your text' /></a>

Use css if needed for style/positioning

Hope that helps,


9/20/2011 12:23:51 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

skins used by your site are not touched during upgrades so there is nothing extra to do for upgrades unless we make some notes about it in the sticky thread for skin changes, but that would be unrelated to ads.

9/20/2011 12:29:25 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

Hi Joe A,

Thanks I am surprised at how easy it is!!!! There's got to be some caveat someplace hidden waiting to jump out and bite me???

I will start planning the layout thanks.

Since a lot of this would not be possible without you and your teams efforts and without MojoPortal at all... Can I add an a banner add for you and MojoPortal?  Send me the image file you would like to have inserted and you will be the first.


9/20/2011 12:34:47 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

Thanks Phill!

I don't currently have an ad graphic, so I guess I can't be the first but I'll see what I can come up with in the near future and send it to you.

Actually there is a new design in the works for this site and a new logo so probably will have some new graphics available soon.



9/20/2011 1:08:22 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?

Hi Joe A,

Not to worry there will always be space for you reserved.  I'll keep an eye out in my in-box for something.


9/26/2011 2:42:59 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: Is there any sort of prevision for Advertisements in MojoPortal?


Sorry, I've been a bit snowed under with work, and didn't see this post. Your registration was successful on - I've had to institute manual approvals because of a recent onslaught of spamming. Glad you've sorted out a solution for your needs at this time; you still have access to test the demo at if you'd like. Thanks, and have a great day!

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