In "list/links" feature, no longer see "pages" folder when browsing for URL

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9/19/2011 11:16:26 AM
Total Posts 7

In "list/links" feature, no longer see "pages" folder when browsing for URL

We upgraded our development environment about a week ago from version to; since then, I've noticed that in the "list/links" feature, if you click "Browse" down on the URL line, you no longer see the "pages" folder in the window that pops up. This is what allows you to easily select an internal web page for your URL link.

I've done several searches on the mojo site but haven't found any mention of a change for this feature. Have I missed something?

9/19/2011 11:18:24 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: In "list/links" feature, no longer see "pages" folder when browsing for URL

Actually, we went from (not .7) to, if that makes any difference.

9/19/2011 11:47:04 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: In "list/links" feature, no longer see "pages" folder when browsing for URL


Thanks for letting me know. This is now fixed if you pull the latest changes and update your working copy.



9/19/2011 11:52:31 AM
Total Posts 7

Re: In "list/links" feature, no longer see "pages" folder when browsing for URL

Ah, great news. Thanks Joe.

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