A couple items for the Forums

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8/17/2011 11:32:26 AM
Total Posts 2247

A couple items for the Forums

Hi Joe,

I hope these aren't already possible and I missed it!

We have a single forum module that we use internally. We create a new Forum in this module for each project and then any conversations about that project are posted in that forum. Some of my guys aren't very good about subscribing to the forums for the projects to which they are assigned. It would be great if an admin could subscribe users to the forums without the users' interaction.

Another item that we are starting to run into is that we have old projects in our forum module that don't necessarily need to be there need to remain for knowledge retention but don't need to be shown all of the time. If we could do one of the following, it would be easier to hide these forums: 1) have an option on the forum settings to archive or lock them, or 2) have an option on the forum settings for setting a custom CSS class and the it would be a skinning task to hide them.

I know using the forums for "project management" isn't going along with the intended purpose but I think both of these items can benefit other uses of the forums, besides what we are doing. For instance, many sites use the forums to support software and they break up the forums by versions of the software or different applications altogether. If they could lock forums so that people could still find information but no longer make changes to the information, that could be beneficial. The ability to subscribe users to forums without their interaction could be useful for any business that is using them internally and wants to ensure that the correct people are subscribed to the forums or threads.

Joe D.

8/22/2011 12:13:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: A couple items for the Forums

Hey Joe,

I've added wish list items for these in our project tracker.



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