Upload image

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8/11/2011 8:32:57 AM
Total Posts 4

Upload image


I am trying to upload image to server, and write path to my mssql table. But I need to create folder  with user id in that table. (my user id=1, i want to add image.jpg file to Folder/Images/1 and save to table Folder/Images/1/image.jpg). that is the best way to do it? 


8/14/2011 4:31:57 AM
Total Posts 92
Нет, я не изменил. До старости глубокой...

Re: Upload image

string fileName =yourFileName;
                                               string SaveFolder = Server.MapPath("//") + "Data\\Sites\\" + siteSettings.SiteId + "\\userfiles\\" + userid + "\\";

                            if (!Directory.Exists(SaveFolder))

                            // this is a new projectgalleryImage instance, make sure we don't use the same file name as any other instance
                            string newFileName = fileName;
                            int i = 1;
                            while (File.Exists(SaveFolder + newFileName))
                                newFileName = i.ToInvariantString() + newFileName;
                                i += 1;
                            fileName = newFileName;
                            txtUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("//") + "Data\\Sites\\" + siteSettings.SiteId + "\\userfiles\\" + userid + "\\" + fileName);

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            lblUploadError.Text = "ERROR: " + ex.Message.ToString();


something like this will help

8/14/2011 12:02:58 PM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Upload image

The mojo way.

First add a reference to Brettle.Web.NeatUpload in your feature project.

Then, to use the mojoPortal "fileupload" Brettle.Web.NeatUpload you could copy/modify code from...

In the mojoPortal source code, go the the project folder WebStore.UI.  In the Webstore folder there is a file called AdminProductEdit.aspx with an associated C# file.

Most of what you need is in those 2 files.

Copy the aspx section add <asp:Panel ID="pnlFileUpload"
to your aspx page.

Copy the C# section add private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
to your C# page. Replace or remove product specific code with your feature code.

You are almost done...

In your page LoadSettings() method include something like...
upLoadPath = Server.MapPath("~/Data/Sites/" + siteSettings.SiteId.ToInvariantString()
                + "/yourfeaturename/");

if (!Directory.Exists(upLoadPath))


Tip - To make unique file names I use something like this
var dateString = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss}", DateTime.Now);
string fileName = _sUser + "_yourfeaturename_" + dateString;

Hope this helps

Rick Hubka



8/15/2011 3:10:15 AM
Total Posts 192

Re: Upload image

Great, I was going to ask about this. thanks.

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