Old web browsers

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8/5/2011 5:42:07 AM
Total Posts 55
mojoPortal Community Expert
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Old web browsers


I'm seeing an issue on a machine that still uses ie 6. On that machine only, the right pane content is displayed under the center pane content. Possibly this is side-effect of the page is being displayed narrower than on other machines (there is more 'blank' space on either side).

I'm wondering where this kind of thing should be addressed - is it an issue with the skin? I'm using a standard skin.

I've updated to the latest (Jul 2011) code for MojoPortal, using MSSQL.

My Windows 7 pcs using the latest ie & google chrome explorers show the content correctly.

Any suggestions appreciated.

8/5/2011 6:51:39 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Old web browsers

It is definitely a skin issue and the solution will be found in CSS. I don't currently worry about IE 6 so some of the skins we ship may not work well with IE 6 whereas some of the older skins like jsavard-mojo probably work ok still in IE 6.

To solve it you will want to override things in the IESpecific.css file rather than editing the main CSS so that your changes don't mess things up in other browsers. So you must figure out what it is in the main CSS thsat causes the problems in IE 6 then override those things in IESpecific.css which will only affect IE 6.

Hope that helps,



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