URL for paging function

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7/27/2011 11:34:45 AM
Total Posts 199

URL for paging function

I have built a custom feature that has some paging basically only PREV and NEXT.  When I built paging functions in the past I would call - Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath - to get the page that I was on so I could pass the page number.  In mojo I know it is always on the same page so I would like to know how to grab the current page URL so I can page a page number like this:  pageName.aspx?page=2

Thank you

8/2/2011 9:19:50 AM
Total Posts 199

Re: URL for paging function

Just an update: I have a temporary solution where I created a setting so that the user needs to enter the page url where the feature is located so that the paging works correctly.  For example a user will enter ~/page_name.aspx and anytime there are enough items on a page the NEXT and PREV will be populated with that setting url.

It seems as I should be able to use the FriendlyURL class to automatically find the page where the feature is installed and that is what I am still working on.

hope this helps someone or if you know a better way please share.

8/2/2011 9:34:33 AM
Total Posts 76

Re: URL for paging function

If your Custom Module is a SiteModuleControl, you can get the current friendly url for the page by:


then you could add you paging params to the end: Example:

var nextUrl = this.currentPage.Url + "?pg=" + nextPageId.ToString();



8/2/2011 9:59:14 AM
Total Posts 199

Re: URL for paging function

EXCELLENT!  that is exactly what I needed THANK YOU!

Working great now.

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