Content publishing remove date

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5/31/2007 10:32:55 AM
Total Posts 11

Content publishing remove date

In the Content Manager, I can set Publish Begin and Publish End dates and times.  However, I seem to be unable to remove a date after it has been set.  By default, the Publish End date is empty (null), which correlates into the content never expiring.  But I cannot delete a date after it has been set.  Any ideas as to how to "republish" something (remove the Publish End date)?

5/31/2007 12:49:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Content publishing remove date


Not long ago, someone contributed an enhancement to the DatePicker control which is a Property called CalendarSelectionOnly which if true disables the textbox so it can ony be updated by the control. However, I didn't notice that the default was true for this new property. I have changed the default to flase here and will commit to svn later today. If you are working with the release version, you can edit the Admin/ContentManager.aspx page with a text editor. Find the dpEndDate control within the GridView and add a property CalendarSelectionOnly="false"

Then you will be able to click in the textbox to clear the end date.



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