Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

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7/22/2011 1:50:34 AM
Total Posts 13

Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

I am sorry, this is my first post, I searched the forum for a while but can't find a solution for it.

My problem is can we put the pager 1,2,3,4 at the right, bottom corner but not under the images?

Currently it seems there are only two options, above images or below images.

BTW, I evaluated three CMS products, DNN, Umbraco and mojo, finally I chose mojo. And as I tried more features(workflow, iframe, htmlfragments, different skin per page), I like it more. Thanks for your excellent job.





7/25/2011 10:27:42 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

Hi Bruce, I'm assuming that you're referring to the Colorbox plugin in the Image Gallery feature. I don't know of a way to place the text on top of the image--it would seem to be problematic because the text may disappear if it happens to match the color in that area of your slideshow's photo(s). However, you can always check in with the Colorbox Google Group and see if anyone has a tip for you.

If you come up with a solution, I'd recommend that you clone the Colorbox CSS file to a new name (for example, copy /ClientScript/colorbox/cb_mojo_dark1.css to /ClientScript/colorbox/cb_bruce_dark1.css), make changes to the new copy, and update your skin's style.config to use the new copy. That way, there will be no danger of accidentally overwriting your changes during an upgrade.

I'd be interested to hear about a solution if you find one.


7/25/2011 11:20:47 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

Hi Bruce,

To put the pagers on top of the images, you'll need to write CSS that positions them there. If you can post a link to the site you are working on, I can help you with the CSS.

Joe D.

7/26/2011 8:34:11 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

Hi Jamie,

    I am sorry, I am referring to JQuery Cycle plugin.

7/26/2011 8:42:16 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

Hi Joe Davis,

    Thanks a lot for the information.

Yes, I managed to change the pager's position by editing data/style/common/style.css

but I have a new problem, it seems when the numbers and the images overlay with each other.

the images will overwrite the numbers so the numbers are hidden behind the images.

I am sorry, I don't know much about css, what is the attribute to put the numbers on top of the images?

Thank you.

I am sorry, I still can't provide the reference link for now.

If you don't mind, may I also ask are there any website or book so that I can learn css quickly?

Even though I use Java and C# for many years, CSS is still difficult to understand for me.





7/26/2011 8:47:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

The article on this site CSS Its All About Understanding Selectors would give a good jump start, but of course good books or other online tutorials would also be helpful.

Hope that helps,


7/26/2011 11:17:14 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Can we put slideShow pager inside the images?

Hi Bruce,

Also you shouldn't edit the files in \data\style that come with mojoPortal as they will be overwritten when you upgrade. You should copy your changes to the style.css file inside of your skin folder.

The article Joe A. mentioned about CSS is a very good primer for CSS. In addition, you should read these articles to understand how to properly modify and reference CSS files in mojoPortal.

Joe D.

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