bing map commercial / non commercial using help plz

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7/13/2011 6:56:12 AM
Total Posts 70

bing map commercial / non commercial using help plz

Hi All,

I have the situation when I implementing the small site for small company which provide some related to auto reservation services: airport transfer, limo reservation etc. And it is required to use some kind of bing services in turn to calculate the length of the route from start point to the destination point.

Thare are no any tech problems Thanks to Joe and BingMap panel control.


Could anybody clarify me: Is it possible to use the BingMap geoservices in a such manner for free or it is required to have the negotiations with Microsoft about the commercial use etc.


FYI: I've read the document at , I think what the number of 500,000 transactions ((ii)  Commercial, Non-Commercial or Government use) per 12 months will not be exceeded, but it is not clear regarding the (i) Education and Non-Profit Organization use point, Restrictions on your use: use the service for business asset tracking, fleet management, or dispatch;


Thank you for your time, please, give some advice regarding the case pleas.

Best regards, Igor.

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