If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.
Hi Joe,
Academic Affairs and the Division of Continuing Education at the University of Florida have adopted mojoPortal as our chosen CMS and we currently host 24 sites in mojoPortal (that number is due to increase even in the next week).
These sites are:
I created a User Manual for our site editors (your documentation is great, but I needed something simplistic enough to introduce a WYSIWYG editor, for example): http://apit.aa.ufl.edu/mojoportal-help.aspx
mojoPortal has served us well at the University level and I appreciate the support that you have provided to me in the past year as I've transitioned these sites into mojoPortal.
Hi Beth,
Wow, that is a lot of sites and a great testimonial! Thanks for sharing those!
I should put you in touch with the guys from Colorado State U as they also run a lot of mojoPortal sites and probably have a lot of similar needs as you. They keep a site with a lot of notes about technology including mojoPortal, and they also produced a user manual for their end users.
Wow, 24+ sites! Great job, Beth. I sent your user manual page to our webmasters, and I'm sure it will help them in developing their own documentation and training users.
Great work Beth! It's good to hear that other universities are adopting mojo. Let us know if you ever need anything; unfortunately our documentation is a bit more dated than yours. Which btw, I'm wondering if a public wiki shouldn't be started so that any number of users can contribute generic documentation (which most of the front-end administration would be anyways). Joe, I'd be happy to assist both in setting this up and adding the initial documentation that I have on hand (over the course of a few weeks or possibly months), if something isn't already out there, just let me know.
Also, Joe, I duplicated the blog at our home page, http://code.colostate.edu across to http://www.code.colostate.edu/mojoportal.aspx, so that people aren't seeing a blank page when they come from your site. Much of the blog has to do with mojo anyways.