Loss all page content temporarity after clearing the database log and reboot the computer

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6/27/2011 12:15:51 AM
Total Posts 29

Loss all page content temporarity after clearing the database log and reboot the computer

I don't know is it a bug or not, but it is a strange thing.

While maintaining the server, I find that the logging file in SQL server is too large (500MB for _log.ldf while 10MB for data.mdf), so I choose to clear the log by shrinking the database. After all the maintenance is finished, I restart the server. After the reboot, I find that I lose all the page content on the website. All the module settings and page settings are correct but the page do not have contents inside.

I have waited for an hour to make sure the server had completed the reboot. But the page contents are still missing. I have checked all settings in the site, including modules, pages, roles, user profiles, etc, are all be loaded correctly.

After two days (maybe after auto recycling of the application pool), the things appear again. What is the properly reason of this causes? Thank you.

6/27/2011 7:03:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Loss all page content temporarity after clearing the database log and reboot the computer

Sorry but you would be better off posting on a forum for sql server, while mojoPortal may use a SQL database it is not a database management tool nor can it control or have any affect on how you manage your database, if you lost data by some data management task that is outside the scope of mojoPortal.

I would always backup a database before doing things like shrinking, then you could restore the backup and have no risk of data loss.

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