Email Settings

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4/30/2011 5:14:56 AM
Total Posts 6

Email Settings

I found the page about information etc. but how do i fill it in the files and which files?

For example my email =

password 123456

username website1

But how do i fill it in?

5/1/2011 8:51:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Email Settings

See the Email Configuration document, most of the settings are in <appSettings in Web.config but that section allows overriding in user.config so that is the ideal place for most of the email settings.

Hope that helps,


5/1/2011 9:20:14 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Email Settings

Not really as i do not know how to fill in the document(s).

I've already looked at that article over and over and its description is really vague. (If you ask me)

Currently i've added something about SMTP to the user.config and also modified the web.config and web.config full trust or whatever and the email system still doesn't work.

I was hoping someone could show me a example of the files using that random info i put in my first post.

5/1/2011 10:08:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Email Settings

You've only provided part of the information needed. It cannot be made up values it has to be a real email account and you need to also know the server name for the mail server, the port may also be different than the default value of 25 and other settings can also vary by email provider.

So based on what you've provided the first 4 needed things are unknown to me but I have entered the 2 values that you did provide in the last 2 settings below. I have no idea what "username website1" in your example corresponds to.

<add key="SMTPServer" value="localhost" />
<add key="SMTPRequiresAuthentication" value="false" />
<add key="SMTPPort" value="25" />
<add key="SMTPUseSsl" value="false" />

<add key="SMTPUser" value="" />
<add key="SMTPPassword" value="123456" />

but localhost is most likely not correct. Assuming is a place holder for a real email account then you would also need to put the same email address in Site Settings as the Default from address.

So you basically copy this into you user.config and set the values to correct values for your email account and email server and you may need to touch Web.config to make it see your setting changes in user.config.

If you enter correct settings it will work when you test the contact form, if you enter an address to receive contact form notification in the contact form settings. But if you don't have correct settings it will not work and you will likely see errors in the log related to email.

If your web host is providing email accounts for you then you may need to get the additional setting information from your host.

Hope it helps,


5/1/2011 10:21:20 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Email Settings

Well in order to login onto my host its webmail i need to enter a Email, Username and Password.

But i used that made up info as i don't want to post my real :P

And i'll try again with what you just posted ;)

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