mojoportal Source Code Set-up

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4/21/2011 8:46:13 PM
Total Posts 2

mojoportal Source Code Set-up


I am brand new to mojoportal and am having some trouble getting the site set-up properly.

I installed TortoiseHg and cloned the latest source code.  I modified web.config to set the MSSQL database connection, built the solution and published to my web site location (on my local system to start).  I configured IIS as per the instructions and launched the site.  The set-up went fine and it worked but I noticed that none of the features (blog, etc..) were installed. 

In looking at the forums, it says to make sure that you built the solution in release mode (I think the first time around I built everything in debug mode by accident), so i tried building in release mode and there were no errors but it did not seem to do anything.  I then went into the solution properties (I am using mojoportal.mssqlonly.sln) and made sure the build check box was checked beside all of the release configurations for every project (nothing was checked). - Hit Ok and ran a build on the solution again and this time it worked with no errors.

I then tried to publish mojoPortal.Web to my web site directory and I am getting the error: Copying file Setup\applications\blog\SchemaInstallScripts\mssql\ to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\Setup\applications\blog\SchemaInstallScripts\mssql\ failed. Could not find file 'Setup\applications\blog\SchemaInstallScripts\mssql\'.

I looked in the mojoPortal.Features.UI project (Setup\applications\blog\SchemaInstallScripts\mssql directory) and there was a reference to but the file did not exist.  There was a file there though so I removed the first reference and then included the file in the project.  I tried publishing (rebuilding first) and I am still getting the same error.

Am I missing something obvious here?



4/21/2011 9:17:21 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: mojoportal Source Code Set-up

Just for an update, I decided to revert all of my changes and start over.  This time I used mojoportal.sln (as opposed to the mssql solution).  Everything worked the same as the mssql version except that when I ran a build on the solution it worked right away.  When I published the web project to my web directory, I am now getting a "publish failed " message in VS2010's status bar but no error comes up and it looks like the site now works (all features are installed). 

One quick question - can you put the machineKey setting into the user.config file or does it have to be in the web.config file?  (have not tried it).  Just curious as if you cannot, then you pretty much have to edit the web.config file so it wouldn;t make any sense mocing the DB connection string to the user.config file ... would it?

Anyway - everything is working for me but there were some definite problems with mojoPortal.mssql.sln and I still need to research the Publish Failed message I am getting.


4/22/2011 7:02:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: mojoportal Source Code Set-up

I guess the first time you did not rebuild the entire solution you only rebuilt the Web project mojoPortal.Web so when you published it did not have all the features.

can you put the machineKey setting into the user.config file or does it have to be in the web.config file?  (have not tried it).  Just curious as if you cannot, then you pretty much have to edit the web.config file so it wouldn;t make any sense mocing the DB connection string to the user.config file ... would it?

No, you cannot put anything in user.config except for settings from the <appSettings section of Web.config. While it is true that you will have to edit the web.config during upgrades for things such as the machine key, having fewer things to edit in Web.config during upgrades is more convenient than having more things to edit, so putting the database connection string in user.config as well as other settings from <appSettings that we have changed from the default values into user.config helps.

You are right there are a couple of incorrect file references for scripts in the mojoPortal.Features.UI project, I have fixed that in the source code repository. However that should not have any impact on publishing because you should not publish mojoPortal.Features.UI directly, you should only publish mojoPortal.Web. The files for features are copied up to the Web folder during post build events which is why you must rebuild the entire solution in order to get all the features, otherwise the files don't exist beneath the Web folder and therefore are not included during publishing.

See also Packaging and Deployment in the developer docs.



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