a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Post here for help with installing or upgrading mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages. When posting in this forum, please provide all relevant details. You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

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4/16/2011 4:35:26 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

hello all,

I know it might seem as if issues never end here at this realm of the virtual world, but here we go again LOL.  I was trying to install Mojo Portal from the web Platform installer onto an installation of IIS 7 and Server 2008 R2 (foundation edition if that matters).  I am using MSSQL Server 2008 R2 express edition (web edition won't install even after removing Express so I had to revert back).  I don't know why that is, but that's a different issue.  Something I'm curious about, but it doesn't have anything to do with this.  But anyway.  after installing SQL Server (I chose to use the default instance, (using mssqlserver as the instance name), I went to install Mojo portal with WPI.  It installed just fine after providing SA credentials and then the database credentials.  I got no database connection errors, so I'm thinking that that's not the problem here.  (though strangely enough, the mssqlserver default instance isn't the one Mojo Uses.  It's the sqlexpress instance that is the only one I can even connect to regardless of the fact that the other one is there).  I told Mojo Portal where I wanted it to be put in my IIS configuration.  I have three sites on the server because another application I have on here needs it's own site.  I chose the site named site 1.  After a successful installation, I told WPI to go ahead and launch Mojo portal.  This is where the trouble started.  Firefox gave me the message "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8008 (it's on that port for testing purposes).  and here's the funny thing.  Though I gave it that site as it's installation point, I actually have two copies of the application installed (one at site 1 and the other at site 2 on port 8881).  How in the world did that happen?  For that one, Firefox gives me an http404 error (understandable since I didn't tell WPI to use that).  If somebody could please explain what's going on here, and whether all these issues are related, I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks. 



4/17/2011 7:40:04 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Hi Katherine,

you said:

after installing SQL Server (I chose to use the default instance, (using mssqlserver as the instance name)

but this makes no sense because a default instance does not use an instance name and that is what makes it a default instance and that is why there can only be one default instance on a machine.

So if I have 2 instances running, a default instance and a named instance then in a connection string for the default instance I just use localhost for the server name (assuming it is on the same machine as the web server) whereas with a named instance it would be localhost\instancename

So an example of a connection string for a default instance would be like this:

<add key="MSSQLConnectionString" value="server=localhost;UID=mojouser;PWD=mojo123;database=mojo" />

whereas a connection string for an instance named SQLExpress would be like this:

<add key="MSSQLConnectionString" value="server=localhost\SQLExpress;UID=mojouser;PWD=mojo123;database=mojo" />

Hope it helps,


4/17/2011 9:33:59 AM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

It definitely makes sense, but it makes no sense still that there are two sqlservr.exe processes running, and that both of their services are enabled, yet only one of them is actually functional.  I didn't actually check the Web.config file, because I figured that using the Web Platform Installer automatically adds those values for you.  Is that true?  If so, I'm thinking that it used the \sqlexpress ID since that's what it was pointing to on the "location of the database server" prompt in the installation.  That instance is where the database is, so I'm definitely thinking that's what happened.  But what do you think the reasoning for the error in firefox was?  And not to mention, I forgot to say that the application pool it was using was .net framework 2.0.  But since there were so many application pools running (I somehow added seven), I couldn't tell which was running Mojo Portal.  I ended up simply deleting all of the sites, since Mojo had somehow gotten itself into all of them (though in the wwwroot folder, there was only one physical folder for it), and I'm thinking of trying the .zip method through IIS so that I'll have more control over where it is.  I begin to wonder if this wasn't a database issue at all.  (I might have taken a clue in the fact that the .net framework was running version 2.0).  Though regardless if it is or isn't, I'm still kind of interested in how in the world I have two sets of SQL server processes and two sets of services running though only one of them actually works.  Thanks for any feedback. 

4/17/2011 9:50:43 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Hi Katherine,

Just because you are having trouble connecting to an instance does not mean it isn't running, so if you see 2 processes that means you have 2 instances running. Of course the connection string matters and if it cannot connect to the database after the Web PI installs it then you should check the connection string in user.config and see if it is configured as you expected.

Regarding your IIS stuff, I have no way of knowing how you have things configured, it sounds like you probably have things mis-configured but not being able to see how you do have it configured it is difficult to help. If the error says .NET 2 then you don't have it running with a .NET 4 app pool.




4/17/2011 10:48:48 AM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Okay thanks.  I will tell you though that IIS is simply configured in it's default state. 

4/17/2011 11:44:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

You said before you have multiple sites running on different ports, that is not the default state, in fact after any configuration is made at all it is no longer in its default state, even after installing mojoPortal or any application it is not in its default state. The point is not whether it is in a default state or not but that it is difficult to help since I cannot know what state it is in. I have no doubt that if I had access to your machine I could diagnose the problem very quickly by looking around at configuration items, but not having that it is very difficult to help just by forum questions.

IIS is a complex and very configurable thing and how it is configured makes all the difference in whether it works as you would like it to or not. Configuring IIS web sites requires a good deal of knowledge, things like Web Platform Installer are trying to make it simple to do it without having to understand it very much but it falls short on that goal because there is a lot to it, and once something is not working Web PI is not able to fix it. I'm sure it is even more difficult using a screen reader as you do, but there is a lot to know even for a user who does not use a screen reader.



4/17/2011 3:17:26 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Well.  That's what testing's for.  So that I can explore this kind of stuff with local sites running.  I have since returned IIS back to it's default with only one site running on port 80.  Mojo portal is installed in there nicely, but I'll have to check next week if the connection string was added.  Something tells me that WebPI doesn't touch user.config.  is that correct?  Because if not, it never adds anything into the web.config file either.  And is (local), in the context of entering in a connection string, simply another way of denoting localhost, or the local machine when it is placed behind server=?  I've never seen that before, and I've always seen samples denote it fully, or even fuller, by the adding of the entire local machine name in my case "Katherine-serv\sqlexpress".  I'll have to try that and see if it works, because right now, at least I'm no longer getting a firefox error complaining about the fact that it can't connect to the server, but now I'm getting what's purely a code error.  I assume it means that it can't connect to the database (understandable if nothing's specified where it should be).  I'll let you know over next weekend since I'm at college right now, and then we'll be away.  If I have time, I'll see if I can test it correctly under Windows 7.  I think that this weekend was a series of brain farts anyway. 

4/17/2011 6:44:15 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Oh wow ... never mind.  I guess I've got so much on my mind this week with projects here and books to read there, that I got that line confused with something else I was doing.  I think I got confused between the way that database connection strings are written in user.config files versus the way it's denoted in SQL Server Management studio.  Forgive me.  I'll try to keep my programs straight next time.  But I'll also let you know if I get this working or if I don't, and then if not, we'll know that it was more than me just trying to do more than one thing at once LOL.  Thanks again, and Gosh, I'm so sorry about that!  I'm hoping by this summer, some of these silly issues will be minimal with my entry into the C#/ASP.net world. 



4/18/2011 7:00:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Hi Katherine,

For connection strings I always thought that (local) was equivalent to localhost because in practice either one usually works for connecting to the current machine, but when I googled for a link to share with you I learned there is a difference from this blog post. Given the difference I would generally use localhost to use TCP for the connection. With (local) it uses named pipes which also usually works fine on the local machine. When you use Katherine-serv, that is actually the NetBios Name.

For understanding how to setup multiple sites in IIS (without using non standard ports) you'll need to learn about IIS host headers and how they resolve requests to a specific web site when multiple web sites are using the same ip address. But to really understand that you need to understand the background information about host name resolution, the hosts file and the loopback address.

For testing and dev purposes it is easy to setup additional web sites in IIS using made up host names added to the hosts file at


You'll have to run Notepad as administrator  and change the file open dialog to open all files since the hosts file has no file extension.

Then you can make up arbitrary host names and point them to the loopback address and then you can setup additional web sites for testing by using those made up host names for host headers.

You'll see that the hosts file already has localhost

and that is what makes the default web site able to run using localhost as the host name

but you could just as easily add cheeseburber

and then it would also work for http://cheeseburger/

Then you could create a new web site and set cheesburger as the host name/host header for the site and that would make requests for cheesburger be handled by the new site instead of the default web site.

Anyway the above links should make some good reading and learning these concepts will clear up a lot in your understanding.

Hope it helps,


4/18/2011 9:18:35 AM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

Thanks!  i'll definitely be reading those, as that was on my list of things to learn.  But something interesting happened here when I tried testing on Win 7 that I think you should know about.  I set the default Mojo Portal installation up correctly i'm pretty sure, adding the connection string to web.config as demonstrated.  I went to finish the setup through Firefox, and then I was greeted with a lovely 500.21 internal server error saying "ScriptHandlerFactory-integrated has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in it's module list."  I've read a lot on IIS, but I've never seen how in the world to troubleshoot this, but I think that the way I did it wasn't the correct way since using the command to register .net with IIS just induced a 404 not found error.  The error message could have said PageHandlerFactory-Integrated.  I can't remember off the top of my head.  I ran that command because IIS hinted that ASP.net may not have been installed completely.  If you've seen this before, please let me know.  Thanks! 



4/19/2011 12:33:06 AM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: a few different, but very likely related installation issues on Server 2008 R2

I should also tell you that due to the fact that I spend about 90 percent of my spare time sitting at a computer playing with this stuff, I think that I have at least the basic idea of what most of the IIS configuration is.  I may not understand every setting, but I think that by learning by doing, I'll be able to understand them.  Where would you suggest I go to gain the required knowledge in order to be successful at such things?  I've already read a 900 page book on IIS 7, and I can refer to it at any time.  The issue is that it only discusses certain situations, and it doesn't go through every incident and error, so what is the best way to tackle an error that someone has not encountered before?  I always figured that a good method is to explore, try things out, and then ask questions.  If you have anything to add to that, please don't hesitate to let me know.  Thanks so much. 

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