Artisteer and General Theming ?

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4/6/2011 12:22:14 AM
Total Posts 101

Artisteer and General Theming ?


I know V3.0 is only in RC, but do you have a rough idea when you will update the doc's for artisteer 3.0 themes ?

Also, are you planning (long term) in changing the way themes are created / or adding a second simpler method ?
(ie. Razor style views ? Tags or another method ?)

It would be nice to export from Artisteer into HTML or ASP.NET MasterPage and only just add Mojo tags for content ?? (ie. @menu, @left, @centre, @right, @footer). Similarly.. For end users, a basic tagging system would allow things like Website Realizer to do the design with simple @tags for content.

Just a thought.



PS.. Mojo is still the best .NET cms.. Keep up the good work.


4/14/2011 4:15:47 PM
Total Posts 101

Re: Artisteer and General Theming ?

Hi Joe,

Any word on my question ?


4/14/2011 4:28:22 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer and General Theming ?

Artisteer 3 documentation is coming soon.

I have no immediate plans to work on Razor support, if you think that is important then make the case for why it has value. To me it is just another way to do something that is already possible and it does not scratch an itch compared to other things I have on my list that need to be done. As an open source project if someone wants to implement Razor support and contribute it to the project that would be very cool and I'd be supportive, but it is not a priority for me personally at least in the immediate future. 



4/14/2011 4:43:04 PM
Total Posts 101

Re: Artisteer and General Theming ?

Thanks for the update.

Looking forward to the Artisteer 3.0 docs..

Once they are available I will feed them into my little tool which converts an artisteer theme to a mojo theme.




4/15/2011 1:19:16 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer and General Theming ?

Just released mojoPortal and also updated the Artisteer Documentation for Artisteer 3.0.



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