Trademark symbols disappearing from content

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4/4/2011 11:47:11 PM
Total Posts 46

Trademark symbols disappearing from content

I have a client whose hosting was at GoDaddy (shared) and it performed appallingly. Today I migrated the client's site to Hostgator and a dedicated server. The only difference between the two sites is that the GoDaddy version is running in Medium Trust and the Hostgator in Full Trust. The version of MySQL at GoDaddy is 5.0 and at Hostgator is 5.1.

Everything works perfectly except when I edit content on the Hostgator site that contains a trademark symbol, a superscripted TM is replaced with a capital T on retrieval from the database. The character set of both databases is UTF-8. Both configurations use TinyMCE for their editor.

I have now torn all my hair out trying to resolve this and have spent hours on the issue. Could someone point me in a direction? 

Thanks for any assistance.


4/5/2011 12:17:13 AM
Total Posts 46

Update (UNRESOLVED): Trademark symbols disappearing from content

I used SQL Maestro for MySQL to edit the content of the longtext field (body) that is used in the table mp_htmltext and added in ™ then ™ and then ™ I verified these values were updated to the field and then refreshed the page in a browser. The TM symbols were retrieved correctly. Then I edited the article using TinyMCE in mojoPortal and when I updated the TM fields were stripped and reduced to a capital "T". This was true for all 3 symbols.


4/5/2011 9:35:07 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Trademark symbols disappearing from content

Have you tried CKEditor yet?

4/5/2011 9:43:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Trademark symbols disappearing from content

Does your connection string specify utf-8 like this?:

<add key="MySqlConnectionString" value="Server=localhost;Database=mojo_prod;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypassword;Charset=utf8;" />

If it is a database issue it should be the same in any editor I'm trying it here with CKeditor ™

Hope it helps,


4/5/2011 11:30:02 AM
Total Posts 46

Re: Trademark symbols disappearing from content

Joe: my connection string doesn't specify a character set. I'll give that a try. Jamie: first attempt to diagnose was to cycle through the editors. No change to the behavior. I'll try the explicit charset in the connection string and then try updating to the latest version.
4/5/2011 2:59:13 PM
Total Posts 46

Update (RESOLVED): Trademark symbols disappearing from content

I updated the connection string to explicitly include the character set and the problem is solved.

Thanks very much.


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