Register and costum controls :p

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3/21/2011 11:42:53 AM
Total Posts 43

Register and costum controls :p


I must say, i'm really new to mojoPortal and at this time i'm loving it :P 

Still, i was wondering if i will me able to change the register page...i've looked arround the foruns and there are many post's that redirect to the mojoProfiles may be best to explain my situation :p

I would like to add about 3 textbox's that secure me that the user can really be registed...sooo my thoughs were on taking this 3 boxe's and pointing to a new table on DB and hoping that the return whould be a valid row. So...i've changed the register.aspx, the resources for the naming, and made the DB i'm kinda wondering how to connect all of this :P


Thank you ;)

3/21/2011 12:58:51 PM
Total Posts 43

Re: Register and costum controls :p

ok...soo...using i've made the changes into the register

still this changes won't update nothing to the DB...can someone help me out in this? :p

3/21/2011 4:25:46 PM
Total Posts 43

Re: Register and costum controls :p

anyone? :P *cryes for help*

3/21/2011 4:37:53 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Register and costum controls :p


I'm afraid you have gone down the wrong path. You shouldn't modify the mojoPortal code or DB tables to achieve what your various requirements. The reason is that you end up with a forked version of mojoPortal and you will not be able to easily upgrade. I highly recommend that you revert any changes you made to any mojoPortal code and DB tables.

That said, now that you have figured out how to add fields to the Register.aspx, using the mojoProfile.config, you can programmatically access those added fields. They are stored in the DB, but the easiest and safest way to access their values is use Helper Methods implemented in mojoPortal. At the very bottom of the User Profile Configuration ( document, there is a section that states how to do this.

Joe D.

3/22/2011 8:42:09 AM
Total Posts 43

Re: Register and costum controls :p

ok...i already undo the changes...changes the Costumprofile...edited everything nicely...

the register already shows the new textboxes and all...

still i can't seem to understand where in the DB the information being put by the user goes :s and how can i validate this new entries :S

3/22/2011 8:45:03 AM
Total Posts 43

Re: Register and costum controls :p

Oo oh...i can see it now... it's on mp_userproperties :s

now i think i can do what a want :) a trigger that on insert it validates de entries on another table :)

tnks for the help m8

3/22/2011 12:09:44 PM
Total Posts 43

Re: Register and costum controls :p

whit the disposal of the data on mp_userproperties i can't seem to get a trigger working on :p 

is there any way of gaining acess to the code of the connections and inserts in the DB? 

i really must validate a user whit data from another table before the user can be registed :s

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