modules to control IIS, has anyone ever tried to plug one in to the administration menu of Mojo Portal for their web site?

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3/4/2011 12:34:39 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien modules to control IIS, has anyone ever tried to plug one in to the administration menu of Mojo Portal for their web site?

Hi all,

A wild idea just came to me, but I wonder actually how it would work.  Firstly, I have seen how pages and entire sites can be used to control the administration of the IIS web server, but has it ever been thought to try and in turn plug one of those modules into Mojo Portal?I think that'd be an awesome prospect to be able to do that since knows no limits, so in turn, mojo portal knows no limits.  Of course there's security implications there, but as long as you keep it role based, I don't think there should be a problem.  So, this was kind of a wild idea as well as a question, I guess.  If you folks have anything, let me know. 

3/4/2011 2:12:48 PM
Total Posts 2249

Re: modules to control IIS, has anyone ever tried to plug one in to the administration menu of Mojo Portal for their web site?

Hi Katherine,

I am sure it is something that could be accomplished but I know that it will probably never be a feature that part of mojoPortal out of the box.

If you, or anyone else, is interested in creating something like this, I suggest taking a look at Website Panel ( It is an Open Source Hositng Control Panel written in C#. It used to be called DotNetPanel (DNP) but the name changed when it was made Open Source. DNP was originally built on top of DotNetNuke but I believe it was rewritten without DNN with the release of DNP 2. I am not sure what the motivation was to remove DNN, other than DNN is icky (personal opinion).

Personally, I want my CMS and website control panel to be separate but, if there were a module that could be installed into mojoPortal, hosting companies may find that beneficial. That is the only time it would work really because the web application ID must have rights to IIS and other system areas and a standard website is not going to have those rights, and shouldn't.

-Joe D.

3/4/2011 2:37:04 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: modules to control IIS, has anyone ever tried to plug one in to the administration menu of Mojo Portal for their web site?

I like what I've seen with WSP from what I've used it for.  And you're right about DNN as well.  I guess this was just my imagination running off the wall again apparently.  What happens to me all the time is because my electronic library of computer technical books is huge (files numbering in the 1600 range or possibly above), that I read about all the different things one can do with technology, I end up trying to apply them to things I already know, in this case, Mojo Portal. 

3/4/2011 2:44:38 PM
Total Posts 28

Re: modules to control IIS, has anyone ever tried to plug one in to the administration menu of Mojo Portal for their web site?

I used to run mojo on DNP....At the end of the day it was just yet another program I would have to login into. It isnt really all that beneficial unless you are running a hosting business in my opinion. IIS has added advantages of downloadable plugins such as the seo plugin that is great to check your site... Anyways just my thoughts.. 

3/4/2011 5:32:32 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: modules to control IIS, has anyone ever tried to plug one in to the administration menu of Mojo Portal for their web site?

I was more or less thinking of stuff along the lines of things for the management of databases and configs similar to what DNN does, but sort of a Mojo Portal breed of it.  Not as a standard module, but just something to put me in my glory once I become a whiz at the C# language.  I stink at it right now, but that should be changing in the summer of 2011.  LOL. 

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