EventCalendar Pro: MonthView.aspx vs EventModule.ascx

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2/16/2011 11:13:21 AM
Total Posts 2254

EventCalendar Pro: MonthView.aspx vs EventModule.ascx

Hi Joe,

Is there a specific reason that the MonthView.aspx has the stse:MonthView control wrapped in a div.clear but the EventModule.ascx does not?

I have had this bite me a few times with skinning and while it is easy to fix, it seems to me that it should be consistent.

Joe D.

2/18/2011 11:59:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: EventCalendar Pro: MonthView.aspx vs EventModule.ascx

Hey Joe,

You can safely remove that extra div with the clear class. I vaguely remember doing that for some issue where it was not wrapping below the views menu, but I removed it and tested all of the included skins and they were fine, so it isn't needed anywhere that I can find at this point.



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