Blog:ShowTopContent How to?

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2/11/2011 6:49:55 PM
Total Posts 225

Blog:ShowTopContent How to?

For release a new feature was added so that the blog module would show the top and bottom content panes when viewing individual blog posts. The instructions are to add this to the user.config:

<add key="Blog:ShowTopContent" value="true" />
<add key="Blog:ShowBottomContent" value="true" />

This is a great new feature because otherwise when you clicked on a blog post you would lose the main blog title and also the calendar navigation. I want to create a pane in the layout.master so that on the blog for example I can create a static header basically with a couple small graphics, a blog title and even a return to blog home page button.

The problem is that the top/bottom content panes do not show on the blog posts even with the two keys added to the user.config file. And Yes, I did touch the web.config file and even manually recycled the memory pool in IIS. Still no luck, the panes won't appear on post pages.

Ideas? I'm probably missing something small.

2/12/2011 7:00:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Blog:ShowTopContent How to?

When I test it using the ramblingsoul-5contentpanes skin it works for me. The only anomaly I see is the bottom pane floats over to the right on the blog post detail page but this could be resolved by css.The blog page must be using a skin with 5 content panes.

Hope it helps,


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