jQuery Cycle Pager

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2/11/2011 11:50:14 AM
Total Posts 2245

jQuery Cycle Pager

Hi Joe,

Any chance you can add the pager options to the jQuery cycle implementation on the HTML Module?

I am able to make it work by adding additional jquery but it would be great if that wasn't needed. A lot of people would use the pager, I think.


2/11/2011 1:17:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: jQuery Cycle Pager

Hi Joe,

I basically did what I could do while still keeping it drop dead simple to use, so I did not implement every possible feature. Those pagers as I recall require ids for the buttons to be configured in the javascript and would have to exist in the markup (not to mention additional css) and it seemed problematic to try and make that work without it becoming more complicated and more difficult to support. 

If you have ideas about how to implement it and still keep it simple to use I'm open to the idea but it seems like to do that kind of thing requires a more advanced user who knows more about html, and as soon as we expose additional settings that require that knowledge the support for that feature will go up a lot.

What I like about it now is it just works with whatever markup is there.



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