2 questions from a user I am not sure about.

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2/10/2011 3:55:09 PM
Total Posts 30

Information Technologies, Resources and Services

California School Boards Association

2 questions from a user I am not sure about.

I had a user ask if is was possible to:

  1. link to a specific name on the staff directory.
  2. link to a specific widget on the page.

Anyone know if either is possible and if so how it can be done?


Thanks all.

2/10/2011 5:24:26 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: 2 questions from a user I am not sure about.

If these are all created with the generic HTML feature, I think you'd want to use html internal links for this. It will require entering them in the HTML code to define them. I haven't tried to use these myself in mojoPortal, but this is the same facility that's used by the jQuery accordian, so it should be technically possible. The URL would end up being something like http://www.mysite.com/staff-directory.aspx#BartSimpson. The biq question is whether that appended ID will be preserved through the friendly URL translation steps. Give it a try and let us know if it works for you.


2/11/2011 12:16:42 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 2 questions from a user I am not sure about.

For linking to feature instances there is by default an anchor in the title of every feature instance so it is possible to view the source of the page and get the id for the anchor and then you can make a link to it. The anchor would look something like this:

<a id='module38' class='moduleanchor'></a>

and you could link to it with the page url plus the anchor like http://yoursite/somepage.aspx#module38

To link to a user profile you just visit the profile page of the user you want to link to and copy the url from the navigation bar and use it in a link.

Hope it helps,


11/25/2011 6:06:38 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: 2 questions from a user I am not sure about.


can I disable those moduleanchors in any way?, I really need to disable them.

Thank you for your attention and answers.


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