changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately

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1/30/2011 5:13:42 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately

Hi guys,

I'm surprised I never mentioned this before.  I was doing some administrative changes to my site just a few minutes ago, and I've noticed that regardless of how much I tell the changes to save, they don't.  For instance, I was trying to change the title to say instead of Raeder24, to say Raeder24: The Blind Access and Support Network, which is listed under the combobox that shows all of the titles.  I switch that, and then i can't see the change even after logging out and then back in.  What'd I do?  This issue also exists when trying to map subdomains and working with the host mapping feature.  I change the combobox to the right one, and then make sure that it shows up in the host mappings.  Still, when clicking on the link from the homepage that leads to the second site, I simply get a clone of the first.  What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks for any feedback. 

2/1/2011 11:52:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately

This is a sign that file system permissions are not correct under /Data, or more specifically under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/systemfiles

Things like SiteSettings and the SiteMap are cached in memory and the only way to clear the cache is to touch cache dependency files located there, but if file system permissions prevent creating or modifying those files then it fails to clear the cache. Eventually the app pool recycles and that will clear the cache. So when you edit site settings or add or delete pages it tries to touch those cache dependency files to clear the cache.

You can try by deleting all files from under that folder and if permissions are correct they should come back as needed.

Hope it helps,


2/1/2011 1:09:32 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately

Okay thanks. Now the trick is finding that file through the file manager module.   Or do I have to change it through web site pannel?  or am i not allowed to touch it at all?  let me know.  I really want this to work, and i've got my other admins looking at me strangely LOL. 

2/2/2011 9:50:25 AM
Total Posts 2245

Re: changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately


Considering your hosting with i7MEDIA, I took the liberty to check out the file permissions on your site and they are correct.

I think the problem you are having with the host name mapping is that you might be saving the host name mapping on the wrong site. I just checked the database for your site and I see is set on Site 1. I can fix this for you but I know that you want to do things like this yourself. Make sure you select the correct site from the dropdown and then click the "Host Name Mappings" tab and input the hostname. You will also need to remove the host name from Site1.

If you have any other issues with this, please feel free to send a support ticket to i7MEDIA.

Joe D.

2/6/2011 8:54:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately

After you choose the child site from the dropdown, you need to wait a few seconds because it does a redirect and puts the child site id in the url. If you don't wait until after it redirects then you are really updating the parent site not the child site and this may make it seem like it is not working.

Hope it helps,


2/6/2011 11:43:46 AM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: changes during administration don't seem to be committed at all, or at least not immediately

Thanks.  I've managed to narrow down the issue to one of accessibility.  No wonder i'm not able to tell if things are working when I change them.  Firstly, I've noticed that when changing the title, nothing is changed simply because I have no idea what the combobox beside the title field is, and then the site slogan, I can't get that to change either considering I really don't know what that field is supposed to be.  Then there is the search terms field, which presumably has something to do with SEO?  And just on recommendation, what do you recommend I put into the meta profile field?  Thanks.  And another thing.  I've figured out why it's so hard for me to create child sites off of that.  It's simply an accessibility issue again.  There is no indecation of when the site redirects, and the listbox for the different sites is not labeled.  I can't even jump in there really using my commands for screen readers.  You see, this is most certainly why I need to learn C# so that I can help you folks out programatically.  If there's anything you want me to add, feel free to let me know.  Thanks. 



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