Error on creating initial

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2/25/2007 3:41:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Error on creating initial

I'm stumped, I installed those same files and it works fine.

Is there anything unusual about your setup? db case sensitivity etc.
What db collation?
Is your browser's preferred language other than english? could be a localization issue in setup?
Can you tell me where you are hosted?
Can I see the url where this error is happening for myself? I'll try to help.

3/12/2007 11:08:45 AM
Total Posts 1

Re: Error on creating initial

/I am sorry for my English/
At me the same problem! :((
database SQLite 3_3_8 (in 3_3_13 version version at me has not worked CreateTables a script)

At work on Localhost - the same situation
Content of currentlog.config (Localhost)
2007-03-11 06:14:53,624 [2852] INFO mojoPortal.Web.Global [(null)] - Global.asax.cs Application_Start
2007-03-11 06:14:55,136 [2852] ERROR mojoPortal.Web.Global [(null)] - no sites found or couldn't connect to db
2007-03-11 06:14:57,429 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Framework.WebUtils [(null)] - ApplicationPath is /mojoportal
2007-03-11 06:14:58,040 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Framework.WebUtils [(null)] - ApplicationPath is /mojoportal
2007-03-11 06:14:58,881 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Global [(null)] - Global.asax.cs Application_AuthenticateRequest
2007-03-11 06:14:59,252 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.CacheHelper [(null)] - CacheHelper.cs LoadSiteSettings
2007-03-11 06:14:59,282 [2852] ERROR mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.CacheHelper [(null)] - CacheHelper failed to load siteSettings
2007-03-11 06:15:00,263 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Global [(null)] - Global.asax.cs Session_Start
2007-03-11 06:15:00,263 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Global [(null)] - IncrementUserCount key was localhost_onlineCount
2007-03-11 06:16:10,364 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Framework.WebUtils [(null)] - ApplicationPath is /mojoportal
2007-03-11 06:16:10,384 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Framework.WebUtils [(null)] - ApplicationPath is /mojoportal
2007-03-11 06:16:10,434 [2852] DEBUG mojoPortal.Web.Global [(null)] - Global.asax.cs Application_AuthenticateRequest

Can anyone help out pls?

3/12/2007 11:28:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Error on creating initial

Hi Svi,

I admit that I have not tested SQLite for a while so it is likely that there are bugs with it. Even when I did test in the past some features did not work like the MyPage feature or anything that stores blob data.

I will try to look at the SQLite version soon and see if I can fix the problems but I would recommend using a different database because even if I fix the errors, in my previous testing SQLite was very slow. If you have an option to use MySQL I would recommend that you use it instead of SQLite.

If I fix it here, I will email you the new files.

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