Event calender pro - firs day of week

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1/15/2011 3:48:38 AM
Total Posts 26

Event calender pro - firs day of week


I the event calender pro - when I push from and to -  I get the popup date picker - its work perfect - but in Denmark we juse monday as the first day of the week - and not sunday - is there a way to change this so monday is the firs day in the collums?


1/15/2011 9:59:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event calender pro - firs day of week

Hi Soren,

I was able to fix this, I just updated the package for Event Calendar Pro, if you already installed that version just download it again and replace the /bin/sts.Events.Web.UI.dll file

Then you can force your site to use Danish from user.config like this:

<add key="UseCultureOverride" value="true" />
  <add key="site1culture" value="da-DK" />

and this will make the date picker use Monday for the  first day of the week



1/24/2011 2:05:02 PM
Total Posts 26

Re: Event calender pro - firs day of week

Hey Joe

Thanks, it works perfect..

I have read in somewhere in the forum that its not possible at the time to turn of the ticket sales function in the calender -  But can i somehow remove the Sales Mangement text/link I have in the top of the calender, so I that way can "turn it off" and its not there to confiuce the user (I am about to use yours fantstic system in a scouting group where there can be up to 20-30 people there are getting editors access to the calender - so it will be best if the Sale text isen't are there so know one are confused about it)  



1/25/2011 1:54:22 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event calender pro - firs day of week

I will see what I can do in the next release of Event Calendar Pro, at the very least I will add an extra css class to that link so you can hide it easily from CSS.



3/8/2011 1:23:15 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Event calender pro - firs day of week

Hi Joe,

I would also like to hide the Sales Management link on the Event Calendar Pro feature.  I am using and wondered if you'd implemented the additional css class.  If so, where could I find it?




3/9/2011 8:19:36 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event calender pro - firs day of week

Hi Linda,

I haven't made a new release of Event Calendar Pro with this change yet. It will probably be at least a few weeks before I do make a new release.

In the meantime you can hide it by adding this to your layout.master file somewhere near the bottom before the closing </form> tag.

<script type="text/javascript">



3/9/2011 11:50:55 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Event calender pro - firs day of week

Thanks, Joe!  Worked like a charm.  I appreciate your responding so quickly AND having a solution to my problem.

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