CKEditor toolbar configuration

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1/11/2011 3:29:53 PM
Total Posts 11

CKEditor toolbar configuration

Hi all,

I'm having a problem where some of the toolbars for CKEditor are not showing up. Actually, it's been doing this since installed a couple of weeks ago. I just got around to noticing they're not there. I don't have the font, font size, font color, etc. items available. I checked the web config file and verified that the following entries are there and correct:

<add key="CKEditor:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/ckeditor341/"/>
    <add key="CKEditor:ConfigPath" value="~/ClientScript/ckeditor-mojoconfig.js"/>
    <!-- valid options for CKeditor:Skin are kama, v2, office2003-->
    <add key="CKEditor:Skin" value="v2"/>

I also verified that the ckeditor-monjoconfig.js file is there in the ClientScript folder as well. I took a look at the file contents and they appear to be correct.

I'm running win server 2003 sp2,  mojo version mysql db.  Any ideas?

1/11/2011 3:34:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: CKEditor toolbar configuration

Hi Dale,

This is by design, you can change it and add those items but it is not recommended for reasons discussed in this article.

Hope it helps,


1/11/2011 3:53:38 PM
Total Posts 11

Re: CKEditor toolbar configuration

You are exactly right Joe. However, this is a customer who is pretty insistent on having it. I warned them.

Thanks for the fast reply.

1/11/2011 4:06:34 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: CKEditor toolbar configuration

Hi Dale,

I just realized that the document about how to customize the toolbar did not mention or link to our document about the Content Style Template System (I've updated it just now so it does), which enables you to define some style presets in your CSS and make them available in the WYSIWYG editors so that users can select some text and apply style. This style system was what we came up with as an alternative for those toolbars specifically, and is at least one tool remaining to you to help keep your customer on the path but of course if they don't go along at least you did your best to guide them in the right direction.

Hope it helps,


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