Changes to Style.css shows in page.html but not in full site?

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1/9/2011 7:49:25 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Changes to Style.css shows in page.html but not in full site?


I am trying to understand and modify an existing CSS.  I have modified the artisteer-24flashclouds style.css (i.e. change the background color to blue)  When I view the Page.html page I see the changes  BUT when I view the site the change in not reflected?

I am obviously missing another change somewere...?

What am I missing???


1/9/2011 7:54:07 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Changes to Style.css shows in page.html but not in full site?

Okay, I think I have found the solution... I was 2 pages off from the answer in the documentation...

What you need to know before you start editing a skin


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