user sign in

If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.

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12/14/2010 1:20:20 PM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

user sign in

"A new User Sign In Module that can be put on a content page such as the home page"

This was mentioned on the blog entry for the most recent release, but there is no explanation about where it is at or how to use it? What do I do?

12/14/2010 1:28:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: user sign in

You add it to a page like any other feature, it should be at the bottom of the dropdown list of features.

Note that if you are signed in it will not be shown, so after you add it to the page you'll have to log out to see what it looks like.

Hope it helps,


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