Unable to Add Site Logo to "styleshout-citrusisland" Skin

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12/3/2010 6:24:36 PM
Total Posts 19

Unable to Add Site Logo to "styleshout-citrusisland" Skin

I want to add a site logo to the styleshout-citrusisland skin which comes with mojoPortal. I follow the instructions here: http://www.mojoportal.com/whereisthesitelogo.aspx.

1. In style.css I locate ".logolist" and disable it as follows:

"/* .logolist { display:none; } */"

2. Next I want to add "<portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server" />" to the layout.Master file but I don't know where to put it. I look in layout.Master for the i7media-2horizontalmenus* skin and find the following:

<div id="wrapwebsite">
<div id="wrapheader">
<div id="wraplogotitle">

<portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server"></portal:SiteLogo>


The layout.Master file for styleshout-citrusisland does not have three div tags, it only has the "wrapsite" and "wrapheader" div tags so I enter:

<div id="wrapwebsite">
<div id="wrapheader">

<portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server">


I restart IIS but the logo field in Administration > Site Settings does not appear.

3. I move "<portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server">" directly below the layout.Master <body> tag and restart IIS. The logo field still does not appear.


*i7media-2horizontalmenus seems to be the only skin that has a logo.

12/3/2010 10:28:31 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Unable to Add Site Logo to "styleshout-citrusisland" Skin


There are couple items that you should check.

  1. Make sure your are editing the skin in \data\sites\[sitenumber]\skins\[skin-directory]
  2. Turn off CSS caching while you are making skin changes. Add these lines to your user.config and then "touch" the web.config.
    <add key="CacheCssOnServer" value="false" />
    <add key="CacheCssInBrowser" value="false" />
  3. Don't include quotes around the commented out section in the style.css file. (you probably didn't but I just wanted to make sure)
  4. Make sure you are closing the SiteLogo control, what you put in your post isn't correct.
    <portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server" />

Placement of the control depends on the skin but to make it appear on the page in the correct place, you will need to modify the CSS that controls it. The CSS class that controls it is .sitelogo.

Joe D.


12/3/2010 10:28:35 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Unable to Add Site Logo to "styleshout-citrusisland" Skin


There are couple items that you should check.

  1. Make sure your are editing the skin in \data\sites\[sitenumber]\skins\[skin-directory]
  2. Turn off CSS caching while you are making skin changes. Add these lines to your user.config and then "touch" the web.config.
    <add key="CacheCssOnServer" value="false" />
    <add key="CacheCssInBrowser" value="false" />
  3. Don't include quotes around the commented out section in the style.css file. (you probably didn't but I just wanted to make sure)
  4. Make sure you are closing the SiteLogo control, what you put in your post isn't correct.
    <portal:SiteLogo id="SiteLogo" runat="server" />

Placement of the control depends on the skin but to make it appear on the page in the correct place, you will need to modify the CSS that controls it. The CSS class that controls it is .sitelogo.

Joe D.


12/6/2010 5:27:12 PM
Total Posts 19

Error: Edited skin in non-site directory

I made the mistake of editing the skin files in the directory:


The correct directory was:


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