Thought I would Give it a Try

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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11/29/2010 1:14:10 PM
Total Posts 1

Thought I would Give it a Try

It has been sometime since i have done any ASP site work at least 8 years. I thought perhaps i would find a CMS for ASPNET and check out features and later play around with creating apps like i said it has been a while. Your mojoPortal was my pick because of the excellent documentation on your site I was confident in the product before I even downloaded it. Once downloaded the installation was a breeze Thanks for a great product looking forward to doing more and adding some pages as i get familiar with the Admin.

12/1/2010 7:08:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Thought I would Give it a Try

Thanks for the testimonial! Very glad to hear it.



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