Database Backup and Restore

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11/17/2010 2:04:07 PM
Total Posts 74

Database Backup and Restore

Here's what I want to do:

Take a backup of my mojoPortal DB from site 1, and restore it to the mojoPortal DB from site 2. Just to migrate the content.

Do both versions of mojoPortal need to be the same in order for this to work, or will it be ok if site 1 is 2.5.4, and site 2 is 2.5.5?



11/17/2010 2:14:26 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Database Backup and Restore

That should work fine. As soon as you restore your database to the site, just run setup.aspx in the target site to update its schema to

I definitely wouldn't recommend restoring a newer database on top of an older one, however. I'd first make sure the target site code was at least up to the version of the source before proceeding.

11/17/2010 2:42:10 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Database Backup and Restore

Hi Joe,

You will also want to make sure you copy the contents of the \Data directory over to "site 2" to make sure you get any images and other uploaded content. In addition, you should delete the contents of the \Data\systemfiles and \Data\Sites\[site number]\systemfiles directories.

Joe D.

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