Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

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11/5/2010 2:08:29 AM
Total Posts 104

Artisteer tems, some element has inline style


I make a custom skin using artistear, I try to change simething and make it RTL, but some Items have inline style and I can't change them. pleas look at menu Item for sample.

how can I manage this inline styles?



11/5/2010 10:11:24 AM
Total Posts 37

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style


In Artisteer click on MENU tab, then click on STYLES then go down to ALIGN and click on the RTL icon. This will fix your MENU problems. More then likely you can fix all your RTL issues in Artisteer  some setting are hard to find but they are there. :)

11/6/2010 6:17:27 AM
Total Posts 104

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

this is a problem by 4, I use .net 3.5 version of mojoportal and same skin work correctly.

but in all menu Item have inline style float : left and I can't edit them by changes on skin style files.

11/6/2010 7:22:22 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

Hi ,

Do you set AspNet-Menu-Horizontal {float:right;} ?

11/6/2010 7:44:04 AM
Total Posts 104

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

Hi Asad,

I do that , but the problem is that when I check by firebug I notic that SiteMap control has a inline style attribute which set float:left

also every li item has a float:left style ( not in CSS )

same skine whithout any changes work correctly on .NET 3.5 and I have this problem just in 4 version of mojoportal

11/6/2010 3:23:15 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style


We have been seeing more of this lately. Usually the problem is related to running a .NET 3.5 mojoPortal release in a .NET 4 Application Pool or the other way around. So, make sure that your release files' .NET version matches the Application Pool .NET version.

Joe D.


11/7/2010 5:00:38 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

Hi All,

This issue is caused because in .NET 4 they use some javascript with ASP.NET Menu control that adds this inline style. There is no way to eliminate the javascript but you can overcome this problem like this:

.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal {float:right !important;}

Hope it helps,


11/13/2010 2:59:08 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

thanks for your reply.

I add these 2 lines and it works :

.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal {float:right !important;}
.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul li {float:right !important;}





6/28/2011 4:56:57 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

I am facing the same problem,

where i have to write these two lines?

.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal {float:right !important;}
.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal ul li {float:right !important;}

i am using artisteer-30verticalmenu2 skin.

waiting for your reply.

6/28/2011 6:05:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

See the article The Trouble With ASP.NET Menu

Hope it helps,


6/29/2011 12:41:38 AM
Total Posts 16

Re: Artisteer tems, some element has inline style

Thanks for your reply joe,

my problem is solved.

i used below line in style.css in artisteer-30verticalmenu2.

.art-hmenu{ float:right !important;  }

i have one more question.

i want all levels in horizontal menu as in artisteer-greenlagoon and also vertical menu from second level as in artisteer-30verticalmenu2.

Can I do it?

I know it is redundancy but it is requirement.


Vipul Patel

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