CSS Class for all Admin Pages

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10/28/2010 9:56:05 PM
Total Posts 2254

CSS Class for all Admin Pages

Hey Joe,

Any chance you could add a CSS class to the body element of all Admin pages? This would make skinning pages with complex layouts a lot easier. For instance, I have a skin which has a header image that is extremely out of place on the PageLayout and other non-cms Admin pages.

As an alternative solution, maybe a setting that allows one to set a different skin for admin pages. This setting could be hidden by a web.config key to keep it from being accidentally changed.


12/13/2010 4:33:38 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: CSS Class for all Admin Pages

I came up with a solution that works for my purposes and I figured others could benefit from it (although, having something like this in the core would be nice :-) ).

See this post for details: http://www.mojoportal.com/Forums/Thread.aspx?thread=6985&mid=34&pageid=5&ItemID=4&pagenumber=1#post28750

Joe D.

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