Hide Security Tab based on user role

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10/28/2010 5:04:25 PM
Total Posts 5

Hide Security Tab based on user role

Hi Joe,

I hope I have read enough of the release notes, forum posts and the documentation that I am not asking a less than stellar question.  When a user is editing the page settings, I would like to hide the security tab based on a users role.  Can this be done? 

Note, I have made the configuration change to hide the security tab for the module using <add key="HideModuleSettingsGeneralAndSecurityTabsFromNonAdmins" value="true" />.  This worked great.

Thank you,


10/29/2010 5:50:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Hide Security Tab based on user role

Hi Josh,

Note that only Admins and Content Admins roles can edit security settings such as roles even if they are shown, the role settings are disabled for users not in these roles. So it seems reasonable to be able to hide it from users not in those roles which is what the config setting does. I don't see much value in making the display of the security tab more granular by roles since no other roles can change those settings. 



10/29/2010 9:47:44 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Hide Security Tab based on user role

Thank you for the reply.  A config setting.  That is great to hear.  I will keep reading the documentation to find the config setting.  I've only found the module config setting not the page config.  I'm clearly not a .NET developer but I'm reading and trying. 

Thank you again for the response,


12/16/2010 10:29:41 AM
Total Posts 36

Re: Hide Security Tab based on user role

Hello Joe.


I have been trying to Edit the Security roles in SiteSettings, but for some reason the Security Roles accordion is not working. When i click on the tab  to edit Roles, the accordion will not open.

Have you deal with a similar issue before?


Thx in advance

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