the Read More link in articles/static content

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10/25/2010 1:00:40 PM
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the Read More link in articles/static content

I swear, I did search for this, it must be documented somewhere, but I can't find it -- how do you get the "Read More" link, when adding a static HTML page?

I'm moving my novel from a Joomla website to a mojo website, so I already have defined places where I want to insert a "Read More" link, so as not to have the page go on vertically for half a mile, but I can't see any way of adding that Read More link with either FCKeditor or TinyMCE (I used TinyMCE when I posted the things in my Joomla site, but the TinyMCE implementation in Joomla has a Joomla-defined button for "Read More" or "Page Break").

The thing is, I don't want to have 4 or more page entries for each chapter in the menu, (the menu should be chapter headings Only! -- when I created the design in Artisteer, I set the option for "no levels" in the vertical menu subitem menu block, so I have one menu button for each chapter), even though each chapter is actually 3-5 separate pages.  I won't post the url, lest you think it spamming, but if you want to see the joomla site to see what I mean, I'll post or send it to you -- (send would be better, it's a very adult vampire novel, don't want to corrupt any youngsters who might happen by).   wink

How do I do this page-break thing, in Mojo?  I prefer the FCKeditor, but I'm quite familiar with TinyMCE if that would work better.



10/25/2010 2:27:31 PM
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Re: the Read More link in articles/static content

I think the only place the "read more" link is used is in the blog feature. It sounds like you want to create an HTML instance with one or more instances that link to other page(s) with the full text.

If I understand correctly, this is something you'll need to do manually. Create the full text page(s) first, and note the URLs for them. You can keep them from appearing on the menu by unchecking the "Include in Menu" checkbox on the page settings.

Next, Create your HTML feature instance on the main page. Include the excerpt and a (manual) link to the full page.

Hope this wasn't too remedial of a response!


10/25/2010 2:44:17 PM
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Re: the Read More link in articles/static content

Nah, I get it, just hoped there might be some more "automagic" way of doing it.  But what the hey, the admin stuff is so much easier up-front than dealing with that joomla backend -- that's why I'm moving it! (plus it's on a .net domain, so it's a good choice to move to this type of hosting/platform)

Thx for the response,


10/26/2010 6:31:11 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: the Read More link in articles/static content

For what its worth, I agree this is a pretty cumbersome way to support multi page articles, and I'm chewing on ideas for a better solution in the future.



10/29/2010 2:59:06 PM
Total Posts 147
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Re: the Read More link in articles/static content

Yes, cumbersome it is, so that would be very cool, Joe -- but make sure, if you do decide to implement something like this, that you include the button-wrapper classes, so the pagination can go on top of Artisteer-defined buttons:

<span class="art-button-wrapper">

 <span class="l"> </span>

 <span class="r"> </span>

 <a class="art-button" href="some_code_here_to_specify_next_or_prev">Next</a>


(The spaces in the <span class="l"> </span> <span class="r"> </span> are necessary; the wrapper won't work without them, apparently.) 

This was actually one other reason I wanted to move this from my Joomla site; although the TinyMCE editor has the pagination feature in Joomla, they're just text links -- no buttons.  I wanted buttons, so I decided if I had to go to all that trouble to get them, I might as well move the thing to a site with easier admin functions -- Mojo!  yes


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