Source for Dlls

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10/15/2010 4:00:43 AM
Total Posts 57

Source for Dlls


Where can I download source codes for Dlls in _lib folder? The link mentioned in readme is not available anymore!


10/15/2010 7:53:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Source for Dlls

Hi Malkom,

I could not include a vendor branch in Mercurial without making the repository much larger and it is already very large. So we no longer have that since we moved from Novell Forge.

Very few of those dlls are modified versions and I have the source code for those few backed up here locally, most of those dlls are not modified and you can google to find the related source code.

If you have a question about a specific dll then maybe I can say more.



10/15/2010 10:09:23 AM
Total Posts 57

Re: Source for Dlls

Hello Joe,

Well actually two of them are required as I have to apply some changes to them.

  • One is Mono.Data.Sqlite as I want to update sqlite to the latest version (lots of performance improvements and enhancements since 3.4.0)
  • The other is RSS.NET.I downloaded the source from their website but it seems that the one in mojo has more classes than the original.

One more question...Why message templates or help files are not merged into one file or into resource files?


10/16/2010 10:36:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Source for Dlls

  • You can get the code for Mono.Data.Sqlite from the mono project. I have it on my to do list to update it at some point when I get a chance.
  • I can email you the code for RSS.NET if you like, but I will be removing that from mojoPortal soon, it is currently only used in the Forums RSS feed. In other places we use Argotic Framework (which I have also had to modify to fix over time) or just plain xmltextwriter to render RSS.
  • I implemented the simplest solution that met my goals. Help files are text files and can be edited in the browser resource files cannot. Message templates are text files to make it easier to customize them if needed. Resource files are meant only for localization but not customization.



10/8/2011 9:35:43 AM
Total Posts 24

Re: Source for Dlls

I'm also looking for sources.

For instance, the code behind the page for RecoverPassword.aspx.  I'd like to trace through the logic to see why it is not connecting with my SMTP server.  I've already done a telnet test and successfully verified that I can connect and send an emails.

Basically any of the pages that have "code behind the page" .cs files, that is what I'm looking for.



10/8/2011 9:56:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Source for Dlls

Hi Carl,

mojoPortal uses the Web Application project type in which all the C# code is compiled into dlls and source code is not deployed to production. See Getting the Code with Tortoise HG.

Also note that the only smtp settings needed are those in the <appSettings section, it does not use the < section of Web.config

Hope that helps,


10/8/2011 12:17:03 PM
Total Posts 24

Re: Source for Dlls

Thanks Joe, that's very helpful

I figured out the email problem.  It appears that although I've specified an ip address for the server, the software is using local host, (and this according to my servers' SMTP logfile:)


17:04:25 MAIL - 250
17:04:25 RCPT - 250
17:04:25 DATA - 250
17:05:18 QUIT - 240

    <add key="DisableDotNetOpenMail" value="true"/>
    <add key="SMTPServer" value=""/>

and from


<smtp from="">
        <network host=""/>

I had not configured the SMTP service to allow all unassigned IP address, only the one specified in the web.config.  So somewhere the portal is overriding the web.config as far as the email server is concerned...

I'll figure that out as well.


Thanks for the links to sources,





10/8/2011 4:51:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Source for Dlls

Hi Carl,

If there exists a user.config file in the root, any <appSettings from there will trump what is in Web.config

In fact the user.config file is where you should put custom settings that override the default <appSettings from Web.config

That way when you upgrade it is easier to upgrade to the new Web.config file since most if not all of your custom settings can be in user.config.

Note that after you have created a custom machine key you do need to maintain that in Web.config during upgrades because it should not change. Only the <appSettings section can be used in user.config, nothing else from Web.config can be put there, but it does make it less work to maintain most custom settings by putting them in user.config

I suspect that these settings do exist in user.config and it has localhost so the settings in Web.config are not having any effect. The solution is to update the setting in user.config

Hope that helps,


10/8/2011 6:53:55 PM
Total Posts 24

Re: Source for Dlls

Sold... I forgot about the override... Beer on it's way...






10/9/2011 8:45:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Source for Dlls

Hey Carl,

Thanks for the beer! Much appreciated.

Noticed from your beer order that we are practically neighbors, I'm in Charlotte.



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