<DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

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9/30/2010 8:27:59 AM
Total Posts 39

<DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

I have the the body and html in the CSS set to 100%. I also have the wrapwebsite and wrapcenter set to 100% height. However, I have a div in the CMS with a CSS class assigned to it. In the style CSS, I have set the height and min-height to 100%. And I have even tried one and the other. Still, the height will not set to 100%. Any suggestions?



9/30/2010 8:41:53 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

have tried to put space in web.config? to restart project.. otherwise changes in css file does not affect to site.

I am deleting some needless files from App_GlobalResources folder... maybe it's not correct way but it fastest and easiest way for

me to restart site...

9/30/2010 9:51:01 AM
Total Posts 39

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

I am not caching the CSS, so the changes DO in fact take effect when I do something. Any other change takes effect, however, I cannot get the DIV to be 100% in height.



9/30/2010 9:56:30 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

let me google that for you ;-)


Hope it helps,


9/30/2010 10:09:25 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

ps, I moved this thread to the skinning forum, it should not have been posted in the developer forum

10/1/2010 9:11:59 AM
Total Posts 39

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

Thanks, Joe . . . but if you read my post, you will see that I indeed already tried those things and it is not working. I am wondering why it is not working in mojoportal, however, I can get it to work in any other Website. Not trying to be a jerk, I am really wondering why this is happening . . . Has anyone else seen this?



10/1/2010 10:07:32 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .

I posted that link so you could see that 100% height is a well know issue in css in that it does not work very well. My intention was that you would google that some more because there are lots of better resources on the web for  css discussions and help. you can look for more strategies or solutions to the height problem you are having. Maybe someone else here can help you but it is much more likely you will find an answer elsewhere.

At the end of the day, mojoPortal delivers html and css to the browser and the browser applies the css to the html, so there is nothing mojoPortal can do to change how css works or not. There could be conflicting rules in your css, best to use Firebug to understand what css rules are being applied.

Hope it helps,


10/1/2010 11:29:50 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: <DIV> 100% Height NOT working . . .


I can probably figure out the problem for you but I would need to see your site in order to do so. 100% height is an issue with CSS and quite honestly is the only thing about CSS that makes me miss table focused design.

If you can post a link to your site, I'll take a look at it.

Joe D.

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