Problem to backup mySQL?

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9/29/2010 7:55:08 AM
Total Posts 65

Problem to backup mySQL?


We are now about to move our mojo portal solution to a external server and the first thing I am doing is a backup off the local MYSQL database. This is done by using the MySQL Workbench and the Export/Import.

When it is finished with the exporting to file(on local disc) I get the following exception :

Unhandled exception : 'ascii' codec can´t encode character u'\xf6' in position 20 : ordinal not in range(128)

I have made many backups with MySQL earlier with no problems, but then Mojo have never been involved. How should I handle this?


9/29/2010 9:41:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problem to backup mySQL?

I use SqlYog to do my backups and it has no problems. I do not provide support for tools that you may use such as MySql Workbench, that is beyond the scope of supporting mojoPortal.

What I can tell you is that mojoportal uses utf-8 in the database to support any language but the error sounds like the tool is trying to treat the data as ascii data which leads to an error because there are non-ascii characters in the data. Possibly a configuration issue with the tool or with your installation of MySql.

Hope it helps,


9/29/2010 9:54:21 AM
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Re: Problem to backup mySQL?

We're using MySQL as well (5.1), but I also do not use MySQL Workbench. Instead, I set up a batch file and use a scheduled task to do unattended nightly full dumps, using the delivered MySQL command-line tools. I can then use the resulting dump file to completely rebuild the databases as needed. I also periodically refresh the development site's mojoportal database using these. The main command for a command-line export is:

mysqldump --user=root --password=___ --log-error=errors.txt --single_transaction --add-drop-database --databases mysql mojoportal > fulldump.sql

If you then want to rebuild the mojoportal and MySQL databases from the export:

mysql --user=root --password=___ mysql < export_file
mysql --user=root --password=___ mojoportal < export_file

The rest of the batch file is just to save a rotating set of export files, and report errors. I can post the full batch file if you'd find it helpful.


10/1/2010 9:57:44 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: Problem to backup mySQL?


I am also moving my mojoportal solution from my colleague's local machine to my local machine. So, i created a backup of mysql from my colleague's database using mysqldump. Then i restored database in my local machine. I copied the deployment files from my colleague's machine to mine. I modified the user.config file in the deployment files to configure the database and set it to the destination database. But when i try to run the website, it tries to run the setup for database and says that there is some error in schemas. Am i missing something when backing up the project and restoring it to somewhere else? Your help will be deeply appreciated.


10/6/2010 2:52:40 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: Problem to backup mySQL?

Sorry, this was a bug in MySQL software. By using another tool it worked grate.


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