WOW Mojo!

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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9/21/2010 6:58:52 PM
Total Posts 1

WOW Mojo!

Hello Joe & Team,

WOW mojo is great!

First, I would apologizes for missing this section 'Success Stories/Testimonials' for past 6 months. The first CMS I worked with was DNN 2.0 in 2004 I remember, but mojo changed my life with a single word 'SIMPLICITY'. I don't have any more words to express how I feel like. It took only 10-15 mins for me to setup my first site. Thanks for your great effort to developer community.

I have created a religious website for my friend and I want to share it.

I'm also working on another site, will update that when I'm done with that.

God bless you all.



9/25/2010 9:31:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: WOW Mojo!

Hi Vinoth,

Thanks for a great testimonial! Glad to hear it.



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