location of mojortal in IIS

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

You may also want to review the installation or upgrading documentation.

If you have questions about using the source code or working with mojoPortal in Visual Studio, please post in the Developer forum.

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9/20/2010 1:38:48 PM
Total Posts 37

location of mojortal in IIS

Joe, This maybe a stupid question and then again maybe it is my problem.

I have MojoPortal installed under inetpub/wwwroot/mojortal

The default install using the wizard, no problems. I have multiple sites installed and use the mojo admin to add new sites and I give them their own domains. everything works.

Now here where i think I am screwing up. Maybe.

In order for me to get all the new sites to work without touching the server (which I think is genius). I change the default IIS website to home directory inetpub/wwwroot/mojortal , Am i wrong to do this? Because when I try to run the Mojoportal/setup/default.aspx after ward this is the error I get.

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The configSource file 'mojoSiteMap.config' is also used in a parent, this is not allowed.

Source Error:

Line 750:        -->
Line 751:        <globalization culture="auto:en-US" uiCulture="auto:en-US" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="iso-8859-15"/>
Line 752:        <siteMap configSource="mojoSiteMap.config"/>
Line 753:        <webParts>
Line 754:            <personalization defaultProvider="mojoPersonalizationProvider">

Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mojoportal\web.config    Line: 752

Mind you this comes from an end user that loves the product, not a guru like you guys, I think I am learning though! Smile

9/20/2010 1:52:54 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: location of mojortal in IIS

When you say you installed it with "The Wizard" what do you mean? The Web Platform Installer?

Describe the url structure of the sites you had working before this change? Root level sites or sub folders? Give a few examples of ths tructure of the urls you have for your sites.

9/20/2010 2:13:43 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: location of mojortal in IIS

Yes, the Web installer.

the urls used




site2.com, www.site2.com  etc etc

root level sites

9/20/2010 2:15:33 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: location of mojortal in IIS

Just so that you know, I am leaving our pink fashionista alone to avoid any blunders  and i am going to work on the 2nd sever first  and maybe I will actually do this the right way.

9/20/2010 2:22:08 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: location of mojortal in IIS

I have MojoPortal installed under inetpub/wwwroot/mojortal

I change the default IIS website to home directory inetpub/wwwroot/mojortal

I don't understand, if the sites were already working it sounds like you already have it pointing to inetpub/wwwroot/mojortal

or maybe you have a copy of the files both in the wwwroot folder and in the mojoportal folder and that is causing a problem?

in any case one thing you need to know is the version of mojoPortal in the Web App Gallery is not the latest version and it is for 3.5 .NET not 4.0.

you should download from codeplex and upgrade to the latest 3.5 version then download the latest 4.0 version if you want to change to 4.0 .NET

and of the downloads can be installed similar to the way it is installed from the gallery


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