FAQ Module?

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12/7/2011 1:02:12 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: FAQ Module?


I don't suggest changing the files insideof /Data/style/common. These files will be overwritten by upgrades.

To change the images in the FAQ template you should create your own CSS rules to override the rules from /data/style/common/style.css. For instance, adding this to the style.css file in your skin directory will override the images:

.faqs dt {
  background: url('question.png') no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

.faqs dd {
  background: url('answer.png') no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

For the above to work, you would need files named question.png and answer.png in your skin directory.

Joe D.

12/15/2011 1:31:30 AM
Total Posts 46

Re: FAQ Module?

Hi, joe

I see below code 


if (includeSimpleFaq)
initAutoScript.Append("$('.faqs dd').hide();"); // Hide all DDs inside .faqs



Above code lead FAQ's DDs default hided when page loads.

But I want DDs default shows when  page loads,

How can I do?


12/15/2011 10:50:10 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: FAQ Module?


Click the "HTML" button in the WYSIWYG editor and then add this to the top:

<script type="text/javascript">
        $('.faqs dd').show();

Joe D.

1/21/2012 2:46:25 AM
Total Posts 46

Re: FAQ Module?

Thanks!, it works very good!

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