FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

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1/24/2007 10:40:55 AM
Total Posts 9

FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

For some reason I'm not getting the FCKEditor shown properly on my trial mojo portal. Here I see the editor correctly for example but when viewing my site I just get the plain-vanilla Textbox. No difference between IE and Firefox so I'm sure there must be some permission or config thing wrong with my site.

Any Ideas?

1/24/2007 11:56:45 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox


That seems strange. Here is how to troubleshoot the problem. Open log4net.config with a text editor and set level=DEBUG, then access the page that has the editor. After that, look in Data/currentlog.config file and there should be some logging statements like
Current Browser is: ...

Tell me what it says there for the browser where you get this problem.

Also if you have another machine to test with see if it happens there also.
You might also try uploading the files in the FCKeditor folder again in case anything didn't make it the first time.

1/24/2007 2:19:53 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

So, thanks for your reply,

Setting the line in the config file generates more debug but no lines containing "Current Browser".

The editor does not show properly using FireFox 2.0 and IE 7.0 from my Laptop and does not show properly using IE 6 browser from the server itself.  Using the same Browsers the Editor works on your pages.

Recopying the FCKeditor has not changed anything either.

I'm using Windows Server 2003 Web Edition, could there be anything in the IIS Settings wrong?  Something like a "don't tell the application what browser it's seeing" option or a "don't serve .JS" option?  Or something like windows user rights on the directories?


P.S. just downloaded the actual (2.3) FCKeditor version and copied it into the Mojo Space.  No change, neither better nor worse.  Worse was installing the actual ASP-NET DLL, so I put the mojo copy back in place.

1/24/2007 2:27:13 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

Hmm, you should see that in the log, I can't think of a reason why it would not hit the logging statements. Is this a clean install or an upgrade from a previous version of mojoPortal?

There could be a permission issue on the file system folders for the .js files. I think you would see that in your IIS web logs, maybe a 401 or 403 status code for requested .js files coming from the FCKeditor folders

1/24/2007 4:25:58 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

From the IIS Logfiles, the one browser is:

HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.1;+de;+rv:

This is a clean install, no update.

The IIS Logs show other .js Files being requested and delivered but not a trace of any fck files.


1/24/2007 4:35:25 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

Is the site on a public server where I could have a look?

Did you check the folder permissions (in Windows Explorere) on the FCKeditor folder and make sure the IIS_WPG user has at least read permission?

1/24/2007 4:55:36 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

Yes, I've checked the permissions and they're ok (interestingly they weren't after I'd renamed the directory and copied the new FCK stuff in but it didn't have any effect)

The server hasn't got a real Domain name yet but You can have a look under http://h1172567.serverkompetenz.net/mojo

The ClientScript directory has the same permissions and the .js files here get requested and 304 (not changed) responded.

I'm convinced I've got some problem with the server config but... where?

1/24/2007 5:15:34 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

I sent you an email attachment that might help.

1/24/2007 5:49:34 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

Thanks for all your efforts on this,

Replacing the DLL causes an error:

Die Datei oder Assembly FredCK.FCKeditorV2 oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Zugriff verweigert

(sorry, it's in German, I didn't restart the IIS, maybe I should have.. "the file or a dependancy was not found, Permission denied",  either the smoke from the gun or soem other side effect?)

There are a good number of .browser files under  


1/24/2007 6:07:02 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

If the file does indeed exist in the bin folder then maybe forcing the application to recycle will fix it. IIS restart would do this but I think if you can recycle the application pool that is being used by the web app that should also do it.

Hope it helps,

1/24/2007 6:10:53 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

also if this machine has been up a long time without a reboot and its possible to reboot it without affecting anything critical, thats what I would do. I think I have seen weird errors like this before (not specifically with mojoPortal but with asp.net) and something was just messed up and a reboot fixed it.

1/25/2007 3:52:55 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

Rebooted, didn't change a thing.

Renamed the test dll to be ...test.dll and put the original one back.

Now I'm being told that the ...test.dll isn't available???  Scince when doe ASP.NET Applications automatically reconfigure themselves when you rename a DLL???

Reboot, same story.

Rename again, ...test.dll to ...dll and the error message is back the way it was.

Stop the application pool, rename the dlls again, restart the pool, and.. you can't fool the .NET Framework, it's got a problem with ...test.dll again.

I think I'm going to start from scratch again, every time I try to *fix* something something else breaks and by the time I've investigated what the new break might be I've lost track of what I changed in the first place. so.. the whole directory is going to go, first from IIS and then from the disk.

Then it's back to the drawing board.

1/25/2007 7:55:36 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

You should not rename the dll in the bin folder, you should back it up somewhere and replace it with the one I gave you to test.
.NET doesn't really care much about the name of the dll unless it is signed with a strong name key, it cares more about the namespaces inside it and by renaming you end up with 2 dlls that both have the same namespaces in the bin and this will cause an error.

Hope it helps,

1/25/2007 8:37:00 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: FCKEditor Reverting to Plain TextBox

Really?  I was thinking that the lines in web.config would be responsible for wiring up namespace to dll.

Anyway, the first test I did was to replace the dll, I had to re-extract the original from the archive.

I've already removed everything and will be downloading the Version.  In about four hours time...
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