Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

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9/10/2010 9:21:44 AM
Total Posts 11

Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

Running the installer on a hosted W2K3 server I've found the following set of problems. Not sure if they are installer related or IIS/server configuration issues. Any help welcomed.

1. SQL server already installed with mixed mode authentication for current user, plus a known good sa login. Roles allow dbcreate etc etc.

2. Assume PC is name of website and host, options are 'Create new web site', with root folder in d:\webs\PC, mojo name is PC etc.

3. Once installation is completed selecting the option to run the application either leads to the following:

A. Invalid options in web.config. The new site is configured to use ASP 1.X. Change in IIS control panel. Return to setup page.

B. Now the following is displayed:

 Probing system ...

database permissions are sufficient to alter schema

database initial schema needs to be created

4. Cannot see any obvious script or SP to create schema. What do I do next?

More generally is this a known issue or specific to my setup?

Many thanks

9/12/2010 7:48:19 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2


That means that it knows it needs to run the setup scripts but it either can't find them (ie they are missing on disk) or it does not have read permissions on the files.

When you changed it from .NET 1.1 that means it now uses a different application pool. The identity user of the application pool is the user that needs permissions. It should have read permissions to the entire web and full control on /Data and /App_Data

So either files are missing from under /Setup/applications or file/folder permissions do not allow it to read the files there.

I would not expect missing files if you used the platform installer but I suppose it is possible, it is probably more likely the files exist but permissions are bad.

Hope it helps,


9/12/2010 9:42:35 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

Hi Joe


I had set up the permissions for the installation folder before doing the install - i.e. IIS_WPG had full control for the installation directory.

Do you know why it would be installing as a .NET 1.X application? Is that the default?


9/12/2010 10:04:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

Hi Jerry,

Thanks much for the beers! Most appreciated!

I think what happens is it just uses the default application pool and if the machine has .NET 1.1 on it there is a good chance that the default app pool is configured for 1.1. 

.NET 1.1 can't share an app pool with other apps running 2.0 or up

.NET 2.0 and 3.5 apps can share the same app pool because 3.5 is really a superset of 2.0

.NET 4 can't share an app pool with any previous versions and in IIS 7.x when you install .NET 4 i creates 2 new app pools one for .NET 4 Integrated pipeline mode and one for Classic.

So the platform installer may not be smart enough to pick the correct app pool in all cases especially under Win 2003 because in older versions there is no convention for different named default app pools for different framework versions, so it has no way of knowing which app pool to use and just uses the default or creates a new one based on the default.

I do know that the platform installer can correctly set the app pool for 4.0 .NET on win 2008/IIS 7.x if the packages indicates .NET version 4 in the manifest.

If you install from the web app gallery that is using our 3.5 .NET package, but our codeplex download for .NET 4 can also be installed using the platform installer at least under IIS 7.x Win 2008, if you import the package from IIS, during the setup it prompts whether to use the .NET 4 application pool.

I no longer have any win 2003 machines so I'm not sure but I suspect the platform installer doesn't work as well there as on win 2008.



9/12/2010 10:36:06 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

re beers. You are welcome. Thank you for both the help and Mojo itself.

Would I be right to conclude that the best move here is to:

1. Remove all existing IIS related app pools, ensure .NET 1.X apps cannot be installed (i.e. disallow in IIS setup), then try reinstallation?

2. upgrade the machine to WS2008?

Are there script(s) to set up the DB schema manually? Or is everything fubar by this point anyway.

Apologies for the lame questions but IIS config is not my normal territory.



9/12/2010 10:54:46 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

Hi Jerry,

You could just try making sure the default app pool is for 2.0/3.5 and maybe that will make it go smoother using the platform installer.

Uprading the machine is a bit drastic, it can run fine on win2003, just the platform installer may not work as well there.

Are you using IIS 6 or were you able to install IIS 7.x using the platform installer? The platform installer "might" work better installing applications  with IIS 7.x.

But it is also pretty straightforward to do a manual install.

  1. download the from codeplex or if you have .NET 4 use the
  2. extract it and copy the wwwroot folder wherever you want the site to live on disk, rename it if you like
  3. create an IIS site with an application pool configured for the framework version, make note of the identity on the app pool, I recommend use NETWORK SERVICE as the identity
  4. point the site to the wwwroot folder or whatever you named it
  5. right click the wwwroot folder and choose properties, go to security and grant read permission for the identity (ie NETWORK SERVICE)
  6. do the same on the /App_Data and /Data folders but give full control permissions
  7. rename the user.config.sample file in the root to user.config and set your connection string in that file

the above is essentially the same steps that the platform installer would do for you

visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page, if the above steps were done correctly it will run the database scripts

Hope it helps,


9/12/2010 11:54:33 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

Joe, thanks for all the help.

I installed .NET 4, no option to upgrade to IIS7 using the installer. Same result.

I will try the manual install and see where that gets me. What is weird is that a web installation on WS2003 worked flawlessly about 5 weeks ago.

Might u/g the server anyway. We'll see how much beer the hosting company wants.

I'll let you know when I get this working.


9/13/2010 7:36:21 AM
Total Posts 11

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2


Eventually got it working. Had to remove and re-install IIS6. After that things proceeded pretty much as expected.

One, unrelated, question: I was certain there was a setting somewhere to set the default theme (skin) for the site. I can find it if I add a new page but nothing for the existing.

Thanks again


9/13/2010 8:18:42 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems with web install of Windows 2003/SQL Server Express 2008 R2

The default skin for the site is set from Administration > Site Settings

if you enable page level skins in Site Settings then there will also be a dropdown for skins in page settings

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