which feature to use?

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9/2/2010 2:00:11 AM
Total Posts 55

which feature to use?

Hi all,


I want to have news page, in the news page I want news title, date and small description about news with picture, after clicking news

it must expand to hole page. which mojoportal feature would you recommend me to use? or to modify? or I have to

write my own custom control? Html content is perfect but it does not expand after clicking.



9/2/2010 7:14:25 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: which feature to use?

You could use the blog, it has both a full article and an excerpt, you can put the brief intro and the image into the excerpt and configure the settings to show only excerpts in the post list. then the user will click the title or more link to get to the full page article.

you could also configure the blog to show the excerpt in the feed, and then use a Feed Manager on another page to consume the feed from the blog and show the excerpts, when the user clicks the link it goes to the full blog post page.

Hope it helps,


9/2/2010 7:18:49 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

Thank you very much Joe,

I will do as you said.

Thanks again :)

9/12/2010 10:03:08 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?


How can i configure Feed Manager to show excerpt ? in  feed manager i can write only link of feed



9/12/2010 10:07:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: which feature to use?

feed manager has a setting for excerpts

blog also has a setting so that the feed can be set to only have an excerpt

so you can configure an excerpt in either one of those places, but you have more control if you do it in the blog and manually create the excerpt for each post.

9/12/2010 10:14:59 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

I have main news page and also pages where i have to post my new news by category

so i need excerpt which i will use in blog to be displayed in feed, if

i have 4 pages where i want to send my new news by category i will use

4 feed manager and from feed i will choose which news to use,

but as i see feed manager is not taking blog excerpt yes?

9/13/2010 12:40:11 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

Joe I am not able to show in feed excerpts and to create manually excerpts, could u give me a link

where is explained how to do this? i try all options but when i add new feed it shows me only 4 fields , feed name, web site url, feed url and sort rank..

9/13/2010 3:16:35 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

Hi Joe,

Can I add programmatically post to Blog? if it is possible then I will not use feed manager, 

I looked to table mp_Blogs and i can add all data there but post url is not working, if i would abble

to make post url also work it would be great, i will never need in this situation feed manager



9/13/2010 8:15:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: which feature to use?

No, you don't need to do it programmatically nor should you code against the blog or any other feature.

I told you look in the settings for the blog and in the settings for the feed manager. If you look you will see the settings, then try them.

You can enable excerpts in the blog and you can enable excerpts within the feed manager so you have 2 ways of doing it.

If you look at demo.mojoportal.com right now, I have create 2 blogs and on the home page I've created 2 feed managers.

The first feed manager is using Excerpt mode in the feed manager and consuming the feed from blog 1

The  second feed manager is not using Excerpt mode but it is consuming the feed from blog 2 and blog 2 is configured for excerpt mode.

When the blog is configured for excerpt mode then you will see a new tab in the blog editor page where you can edit the excerpt.

9/13/2010 8:36:06 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

Thank you Joe for your help, 

I cant understand one thing, how does firs feed connected to first flog and how second feed is connected to second blog,


in feed I only can add new feed and i am not able to edit published one, also i could not find

in the blog where is showen  in which feed to publish new post.

I am sorry I am giving too much question, maybe i could not understand correctly how to use it

Thanks for you patience.

9/13/2010 8:41:00 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: which feature to use?

The blog exposes a feed link (it only works after there is at least one post in the blog), right click the feed link and choose copy link location. Then paste that as the feed url in feed manager, put the url for the blog page as the web site url and whatever you like for the title.

If you click the edit links for the feed manager on the demo site you will see what I entered there.

9/13/2010 8:55:14 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

I have created new post in Blog 2 but I could not find feed link, how can i add now this to the second feed manager?

9/13/2010 9:00:31 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: which feature to use?

The feed link in the blog is right below the calendar

blog feed link

right click it and get the feed url

9/13/2010 9:00:41 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

where can i see this feed link http://demo.mojoportal.com/blog8635rss.aspx

9/13/2010 9:03:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: which feature to use?

I just told you where it is. You only need to add it once to the feed manager not for each post, I already added it so you don't need to add it on the demo site you just need to understand what I have already told you.

9/13/2010 9:05:50 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: which feature to use?

both post has one and the same feed url ye? I added there but it displayes inner content, ok i have some configuration mistake

I will do this,


Really big big big thanks :)

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