impostare la home page

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8/22/2010 12:14:43 PM
Total Posts 1

impostare la home page

come si fa ad impostare la home page di default del sito con quella creata con mojoportal?
8/23/2010 10:45:13 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: impostare la home page

Google Translate rules!

"how does one set the default home page of the site that created mojoportal?"

The home page is the one that's set as number 1 in the database. If you want to make another page act as the home page, you can move it to the top of the list under Administration, Add/Edit Pages.

La home page è quella che è impostato come numero 1 nel database. Se si vuole fare un altro atto pagina come la home page, è possibile spostarlo in cima alla lista of amministrate, Aggiungi / Pages Modifica.


8/23/2010 11:34:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: impostare la home page

Hi Jamie,

It may typically happen that the home page has pageid = 1, but it is not what makes it the home page and the home page can have any id, in fact in a multi site installation child sites will never have a pageid = 1 since that is typically already used by the first site.

What makes a page the home page is merely the root level page (ie it has no parent page) and it has the lowest sort order. Any page could be moved into the home page position.

I think what he is really asking is when a new site is created how does it create the home page and where does the content come from. The answer is that initial pages are created based on config files under /Setup/initialcontent, so anyone could package mojoPortal such that it has different initial content when a site is created. You can define any number of pages and you can configure them to have feature instances on them. For the Html feature you can even configure the initial content of the html, but other features can currently not be pre-configured other than putting them on the page.

For example I use this on to create a set of pages when the demo site is re-created, but the default package only has 1 page pre-configured and that is the home page.



6/6/2011 2:03:19 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: impostare la home page


in my skin ,i have SiteMenu that is right to left but when i add page , mojo add page from left :  


Home  Furom   Blog   About  Products

how set Products as homepage without change order of them in Administration, Add/Edit Pages.



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