How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

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7/11/2010 8:29:12 AM
Total Posts 19

How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

Hi all,

I've been playing with different skins and created some within Artisteer with different menu types (horizontal and vertical). What I would like to do is settle on using a horizontal menu but I would like to stop users being able to click on a top menu item if there are child pages.

For instance, assume we have a News Top Level section which has a Blog and Events child pages, then what I want in the News item to appear in the top level menu but I do not want this to link to a page, and rather only expose the child pages a clickable to the user.


Can this be done?

7/12/2010 3:10:23 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

i needed this feature too, but couldn't work it out :(

7/12/2010 11:14:28 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

Although I haven't found a solution, I have ended up removing all content on the main page, then setting the "Show Child Pages Site Map?", so just the child pages show on the page. Bit rubbish, but the best I can do.

7/13/2010 6:49:38 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

People have asked about this enough over time that I will look into implementing a solution in the near future. I've put it on my to do list so I won't forget about it.



7/13/2010 9:22:03 AM
Total Posts 47

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

thanks for the update :)

7/31/2010 6:16:20 AM
Total Posts 55

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

I am looking forward to this update also :)

11/5/2010 11:49:44 AM
Total Posts 40

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

Maybe not an ideal solution to this problem, but in my situation, it was easiest to use jQuery to accomplish this task:

<script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {
                    $('.AspNet-Menu-Horizontal a.static').attr("href", "#") //disable top-level links by replacing with #s

If your menu isn't using the "static" class name for top-level links you could easily adapt the above jQuery to select only those links you need to change.

11/5/2010 12:35:06 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

This was made possible with release You can read how to make a menu item unclickable here:

Joe D.

11/5/2010 12:40:45 PM
Total Posts 40

Re: How to create a top level menu item without linking to a page where you have child pages?

Thanks Joe.  I had a vague recollection that this was done earlier but couldn't find out how to do it at first attempt, so I really appreciate your response. 

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