Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..

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6/23/2010 9:01:59 PM
Total Posts 101

Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..


Joomla has a plugin which allows you to place content into a page in 2 methods:

1) iFrame (like Mojoportal)

2) CURL (basically injects content into the page without an iFrame).

A new 'Content Type - inline' would be nice..




6/24/2010 8:03:13 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..

Hi Andrew,

Are you referring to the use of external content in your site?

If not, I think you may have something confused with the way mojoPortal includes CMS content in the site. CMS content is anything one puts in a module or is generated by a module. This content is placed directly into the markup of the pages. iFrames are not used to show any content in mojoPortal unless one uses the iFrame Module.

If you are referring to external content, you may want to take a look at jQuery Load. I am currently using this on my site to integrate my support system (WHMCS which is PHP) into my mojoPortal site. I use jQuery Load to pull in my mojoPortal generated menu and some select content.

I think a module that makes the use of jQuery Load easier would be cool.

Joe D.

6/24/2010 8:27:47 PM
Total Posts 101

Re: Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..


Yes external content is what I was thinking without the iFrame limitations.

I'll take a look at jQuery.Load for sure.

I would like the ability to 'NEST/CONTAIN' articles inside articles also.


Frontpage contains say a 'HTML Content' in centre panel. (No left or right panel).

Inside the content..

<div id="Container">

   <div id="virtualLeft">

      {mojocontent="My News Headlines"}


   <div id="virtualmid">



   <div id="virtualright">




It would pull "My News Headline" content inside the div.. etc..

NOT Framed again.. 


Just a thought.

6/25/2010 5:43:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..

You could implement a custom solution as Joe D says using jquery load or whatever technique works.

I generally don't like solutions where the content is not available at all without javascript.

We do have an html fragment include feature that can include html fragments from files in a specific folder. The fragments files need to be html without the html, head, or body elements since the page already provides those.



6/25/2010 7:46:08 AM
Total Posts 101

Re: Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..

Hi Joe,

I've started to play with jquery.load but would prefer to avoid javascript if possible. (just to keep things clean) from an end user point of view.

I've used HTML fragements for a few sites, but really would like to extend this a bit more.

I'm thinking of writing a couple of new Content modules that I can plug into the CMS.

1) HTML Fragment from URL (not sure how i'll grab the sections from the url.. Maybe via ID or regex ? Not sure till I look at some pages.)

2) CURL Content (ie. iFrame without the frame... Again for a specific site it would be nice to embed external content without the iframe)

3) Content in Content (yes it can be nasty.. But I have a few spots that would be nice to embedded say 3 articles (content) inside 1 master article, using a single center panel for the page and styling the content via divs..

Anyway.. Just some thoughts.

I'll play and if I get anything working well i'll forward you the code..



PS.. Would it be hard to enable/disable content styling for a column ? sometimes it would be nice to place something in say a right column but not apply right column styling.. (ie. A setting on the content to enable apply style would be nice).

7/7/2010 7:29:06 PM
Total Posts 101

Re: Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..

Hi All,

The snippet of code below allows you to apply content-in-content for a mojoportal site: (using jQuery)

<div id="Loadme">&nbsp;</div>

<script type="text/javascript" >
$('#Loadme').load('http://mywebsite.com/home.aspx?skin=printerfriendly #ctl01_rightContent_ctl01_divContent');

1) Create a HTML Content item on a page.

2) Change to Source (click the button)

3) Paste the above code.  

4) Replace the url parameters with your required page and panelID.

     (ie. htp://mywebsite.com/mypage.aspx?skin=printerfriendly #ctl01_rightContent_ctl01_divContent )

You can apply as many of these as you like. For example to add 3 panels of includes you could do the following:

<div id="Loadme1" style="float:left; width: 200px;">&nbsp</div>

<div id="Loadme2" style="float:left; width: 200px;">&nbsp</div>

<div id="Loadme3" style="float:left; width: 200px;">&nbsp</div>

<script type="text/javascript" >
$('#Loadme1').load('http://mywebsite.com/home.aspx?skin=printerfriendly #ctl01_rightContent_ctl01_divContent');

$('#Loadme2').load('http://mywebsite.com/home.aspx?skin=printerfriendly #ctl01_rightContent_ctl01_divContent');

$('#Loadme3').load('http://mywebsite.com/home.aspx?skin=printerfriendly #ctl01_rightContent_ctl01_divContent');

I found this to be useful on a couple of siteI

i've been working on.




7/8/2010 9:46:07 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Option for Inline (CURL style) for page content..

Hi Andrew,

Yep, jQuery Load is a Gem. I used it on my support site (http://i7media.net/clients) which is a PHP app (WHMCS) to make my support and regular site (mojo) look alike.

Thanks for posting your findings as I am sure others will find them useful.

Joe D.

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