How to pass a parameter to a web page?

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6/23/2010 1:53:01 PM
Total Posts 4

How to pass a parameter to a web page?

I have a web page that has some Javascript that evaluates the input from a user generated web page and presents a message based on the parameter received. For example:"1234" Based on the value "1234" the java script show a specific message to the user. The page with the parameter is created externally to the web site. I am trying to reproduce the same functionality in MojoPortal. How can a user directly call up a mojoportal page with a parameter and pass the data to the javascript inside the page? I have tried"1234" but it does not work. Can somebody suggest a solution? Thanks
6/23/2010 2:52:31 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: How to pass a parameter to a web page?

Please disregard found the error in the script.
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