Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

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6/17/2010 7:27:38 PM
Total Posts 19

Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

I have an urgent problem I hope someone can help me with.

I upgraded a client's site and we realized that the HTMLContent module no longer has the multiple items feature.  Normally I would have seen this in testing, but we didn't have time.  What's new.

At any rate, this poor lady has been making lots of updates using the multiple items and excerpt feature and if I don't figure out how to fix it FAST, I'm toast with this client.

Any help is very much appreciated.  I can't afford to loose this client during these tough times, but i don't think there is a fix.

6/17/2010 9:38:49 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent


The HTML Module hasn't had a "multiple items" feature for as long as I have been around. What version did you upgrade from?

Did you backup your database and web directory prior to upgrading?

Joe D.

6/17/2010 10:00:10 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

do you mean the version control of the html feature?

6/17/2010 10:04:57 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

No, I mean the version of mojoPortal that he upgraded from.

-Joe D.

6/17/2010 10:57:34 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

Yes, I have all the backups.  So, I should have the HTML that I can do something with.

6/17/2010 10:58:51 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

I'm not sure what version it was.  It was end of 2008 when I did the install.

6/17/2010 11:23:21 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent


I would restore the backup and make sure the site is working properly after restoring. I would then set up a test site and figure out how to best upgrade to the newest version.

Near as I can tell this feature was removed in 07 or 08 but I can't find a blog entry verifying this.

Unfortunately, I can't help you more and if you don't want to restore your backups, you will have to wait until Joe Audette is available to help.


6/17/2010 11:55:32 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

Thanks very much.  I've upgraded so many times without issue, but I should have tested anyway.  I don't use that obsolete feature, so I never noticed.

First the Celtics, now this!

No worries.  I'm going to grab the html I need in the mp_HtmlContent table.  I think it will be there by the ItemID.

I believe that when upgrading from that old version, the upgraded HtmlContent control ignores itemID and just uses the newest record.


Thanks again.  I was hoping there was something I was missing, but I will make do.

6/18/2010 12:10:47 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Help, please. Upgrade issue urgent

The blog module will accomplish what I am trying to do.  Thanks again.

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